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where u start not as important as where u finidh

“The ability to be happy and make your career and life successful boils down to two simple ingredients. When you successfully and consistently apply these principles there will be no stopping you.

While there are other factors that are important within the these two ingredients the bottom line IS  master and apply these and it will make all the difference in the world for you.

1. Time.

The amount of time you spend on your own personal happiness, success and development is critical. Some people want it fast because that is what we have become conditioned to in our society.

It may even be the ‘powers that be’ deceive us into valuing quickness at the expense of our overall satisfaction. Media pitches us speedy results everyday. Unfortunately, that is not the way of nature.

We become what we think about most of the time.

WHEN our thoughts and feelings are positive, and devoted to what we want and can make happen, most of the time each day, we then get and become what we think about. Where do you spend most of your time? How you spend your time is critical!

Are you thinking about your goal as already completed? Are you visualizing and speaking positively to yourself in your self-talk? Are you celebrating and feeling wonderful? Are your thoughts mostly about how incredible everything is and how thankful you are?

If not they need to be. Where you spend most of your time determines the results you get.

Are you spending time focused on making your dreams come true? OR are you distracted, scattered, thinking about day to day problems and issues? Are you whining and complaining about lack and circumstances? Is your focus mostly on what you don’t have or haven’t gotten yet OR on making your dreams come true?

Are you mostly positive or negative?

Where do you spend most of your time? What are you filling your mind with? Are you filled with media’s  daily disturbing news and gossip or are you filling your mind with inspiring, positive motivational thoughts, ideas and materials.

What are you reading and listening to?

This makes all the difference in the world! Successful people are devoted to their success. You have to be MOSTLY concentrating on success and happiness to get what you want. Whether it is money, career, fame, family, love, health, relationships or things what AND HOW are you focused is critical! Most people miss this.

You can’t spend 95% of your time worried, anxious and fearful, sad or feeling defeated and expect to be happy, healthy and whole. You must devote yourself to spending more and more of your time thinking positive and feeling wonderful. You need the preponderance of your time to be productively focused.

Some people think they are focused on what they want but they feel bad when they think about it. Two things are possible.  1. You are actually focused on what you DO NOT want. You are focused on what you want to avoid or get rid of and not what you actually want. You need to change this if this is what you are doing.

2. You are thinking about NOT HAVING what it is you want. Some people do not realize when they are focused on lack. They think they are focused on what they want but instead are thinking mostly about what they don’t yet have.

They notice the distance between where they are and their goal and they despair. You do not move uphill thinking down hill thoughts. You can’t want something and feel bad about not having it and expect to get it.

You can’t be looking at the gap and feeling great. You can’t be focused on how far you are from the finish line you need to focus on winning the prize and how great that feels. You have to excel and give you best.

Some people want to speed read books as many as possible to get all sorts of info. It is not about how fast you do something. It is not about how quick you get success. It is about HOW MUCH TIME YOU PUT INTO getting what you want. It is better to devote a half hour of concentrated focus on your goals than to be hasty.

The quality of the time spent will make all the difference in your ability to more readily and easily reach your goal. It takes time for seeds to sprout and plants to grow. It takes time to get what you want so the question is how are you spending your time IN the meantime.

A plant is either growing or dying. You are either mostly positive or mostly negative. In order to get what you want as soon as possible you need to be mostly positive most of the time. You can add in positive practices bit by bit. You can make it a point to begin and end each day well. I have given you some ideas for this in other posts.

I’ll share the 2nd ingredient in the next blog. This blog site is devoted to assisting anyone in making changes. There are powerful ideas and principles shared in each article. Re-read this blog and spend time filling your mind with positive ideas.

In my workshops we have an added advantage of trouble shooting and answering questions, providing immediate feedback and more that we don’t have here. So I am trying to be as thorough and complete as possible in each post to point you towards what you can do to make a real difference in your career and life.

If you want to be happy you need to begin by thinking happy thoughts. It doesn’t work the other way around. Thinking external things bring us happiness is one of the great lies. If you want happiness, health and success it begins on the inside.

You create it all within you and then in your outer world. The results you get are determined by your dominant thoughts and feelings. Think and feel the best most of the time and your life will be amazing! Truly, you can be, do and have anything you think you can!” Rex Sikes

Make your day marvelous!

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