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BE live in yourself

“Live your own life and be happy! As long as you are not hurting anyone else or preventing anyone from living their dreams you should live yours. Live your life your way, for your pleasure. Be happy and enjoy each moment. Do things because you want to. Pursue your dreams not other’s peoples dreams or expectations for you. Don’t get lost in trying to please others but be sure to please yourself. Do not let others make you feel guilty for being you and living the life you want. Live for yourself!

It doesn’t matter whether a person is close to you, a family member, a romantic partner, a friend (new or old) an associate, or fellow co-worker, if the person is poisonous, abusive, disrespectful of you, your boundaries and your dreams let them go. If they treat you in harmful ways the actually need to go. You deserve to surround yourself with people who love and support and encourage you. You want to have those people close to you who appreciate your value and celebrate you as you are.

You don’t want ‘yes’ people who only tell you what you want to hear. That is no good either. You want people in your life who are honest, loyal, loving, trustworthy, who will nurture you as you need nurturing and call you on your BS when you need to be called on it. It is a two way street. You want people who will always be there for you and whom you will always be there for as well. Cultivate healthy, positive caring relationships based on mutual trust and respect.

These two things will make a big difference in the quality of your life. 1. Out with the bad, limit their access to you and your time and in with the good. Surround yourself as much as possible with caring people. 2. Live your dreams and have a fantastic life doing what YOU want to do. Follow your heart and not orders from others. Enjoy living free!” Rex Sikes

Live, love, laugh and celebrate today!

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