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If you would like to sleep easier or get more rest here’s a list of 30 positive, healthy things you can do to relax, unwind, and help you sleep. Refresh and renew. Simple to do. Easy. Make them habits and enjoy. One or more of these may be your favorite.

  1. Breathe. Exhale in to count of 4. Hold for 7.  Exhale for 8 count. Repeat.
  2. Progressive muscle relaxation. Begin at feet and flex muscles.  Hold for 5 or 10 seconds. Work up the body to the top of your head.
  3. If you prefer work your way down instead. Start at top of head. Then tense face muscles down to toes. Relax. Breathe and let go.
  4. Imagination/visualization. Travel in your mind to relaxing nature scene. See, hear, feel, smell how wonderful it is to relax in nature.
  5. Hypnosis. Self-hypnosis or listen to audio relaxation programs.
  6. Take a warm luxurious bath. Candles and some relaxing scents.
  7. Rest peacefully in dim light. Listen to soothing sounds or music.
  8. Remove electronics, shut everything off. Remove from the room.
  9. Use lavender scent. A drop or two of essential oil on pillow.
  10. Get a massage. Gentle bodywork is marvelous.
  11. Create a special place for relaxation. Keep it special. Make it beautiful. A soothing place to retreat. Could be a closet…
  12. Do not use your bed to watch tv, or use computer or phone.  While in bed use it only for sleeping.
  13. To Sleep. Put room in total darkness. Remove all electronics.  Set cool temperature (not too cool). Use blindfold for darkness. Eliminate noise as much as possible. Breathe and let go.
  14. Eat a light snack. No sugar or caffeine.  An ounce of cheese or turkey shortly before bedtime. Light snack!
  15. Enjoy a cup of chamomile tea.
  16. Exercise during the day, not before bed. If you have difficulty sleeping it often means you weren’t physically active enough during the day. Move more. Engage in an enjoyable, active  sport.
  17. Go fishing. Even if you don’t fish. Sit by pond, stream or lakeside.
  18. Slow down. Just slow down. Unwind. Take your time.
  19. Move slowly. Gently stretch for a bit. S-t-r-e-t-c-h those muscles.
  20. Read something inspirational but soothing.
  21. Journal get your thoughts and feelings out.
  22. Journal gratitude and people, experiences and things you appreciate.
  23. Review the wins of the day. Go to sleep feeling well.
  24. Bless everyone and everything in your life.
  25. Pray.  However, to whomever, or simply express to universe
  26. Let go. Release. Watch your thoughts. Don’t engage with them. Observe like leaves on a stream or clouds passing in the sky.
  27. Forgive. Forgive yourself. Forgive others. Release hostility.
  28. Yoga. Relaxing yoga.
  29. Listen to nature sounds. Steam, rain, wildlife or white noise.
  30. Spend moments in silence. Doing nothing. Real silence.

Enjoy your rest and relaxation. Pay particular attention to no electronics, wi-fi, lights, in room when attempting to sleep or rest. For sleep; total darkness and cool 68 degrees Fahrenheit. Fresh air is good. Relax and refresh. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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“‘Directed Questions’ created by Rex Sikes and the Mind Design course I am doing is very helpful. I change not only my focus but mindset, attitude and results. Helps me turn challenging situations into playful voyages of discovery and delight. Thanks to the Mind Design process, I have discovered that I have more indomitable strength and courage than I gave myself credit for!” Kathy Strong, NLP Trainer and Coach, Bleadon, England

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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