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five rules to happier life

“It makes so much sense! If you are positive and think positive thoughts that you will feel better and love yourself.

After all you are all you have so you should absolutely love you.

Think the best thoughts, appreciate and love and care for yourself and, the result is you will feel marvelous. Life will have more enjoyment, more meaning and you will feel more enriched.

When you think and feel and act this way towards yourself, when you care and deeply love you then you are more inclined to be accept yourself no matter what. True love is open, accepting and non-judgement. True love is forgiving and kind and does not hold grudges.

When you discover true love for yourself you will be accepting of yourself, kind, gentle nurturing and forgiving. You would nurture and treat yourself as you would your beloved children and your best and most deeply valued friend.

When you discover you are absolutely worth loving, totally accepting and forgiving yourself life positively changes. There will be so many delightful discoveries and enjoyment.

You find yourself fun to be around, and you are never bored, you keep best company because you are your own best friend.

When you can accept and forgive yourself then you can others.  When you decide that you love yourself it makes it much easier to love others.

Then, if you always treat others in the manner you yourself want to be treated you will harm no one and you will always do good things. If you accept and love and forgive others as you do yourself (and vice versa) you will always want to treat others right and not do anything harmful or bad to them or to yourself.

This is the principle of The Golden Rule which states whatever that you put out there you get back.

When you love others and nurture them you are at the same time doing the same thing for yourself.   Plus, you get this back in return.

The Rule of Reciprocity essentially states the same. What you nice things you put out there for others makes them want to respond in kind to you. You stop by the office with treats one day and the people more likely want to treat you. If someone takes you our and buys dinner or invites you offer for dinner what do you feel like and what do you want to do in return? Isn’t it true you are grateful and you offer to return the favor? 

When someone treats us really well, isn’t it true we feel much more responsible to treat them at least as well? When we institute a personal policy to treat all others well first, we pay it forward and put into effect the others wanting to treat us well too. When we all feel better we usually want to treat others better so we potentially affect a larger pool of people because we treat friends and strangers from this positive mind and action frame.

Our world of influence can become much more friendly and enjoyable because we cause it to be. We are the cause of the positive feelings when we go first and the effect is that others being treated nicely respond in kind and then feel more apt to continue to do nice things for others. The Law of Cause and Effect states that for a cause there is an equal effect back in the direction of the cause. It boomerangs.

The Law of Cause and Effect states whatever the cause will come back. It doesn’t matter if it is positive or negative we get what we put out there. We get back whatever we initiate, whatever we think, feel and do we get more of the same. The Law of Cause and Effect works as does the Law of Association. What this latter law states is birds of a feather flock together or misery loves company. We attract like things and like people or like energy.

If want want a better experience, a happier, richer, healthier, wealthier experience it is up to us to put “out there” the very best we have. The happiest, the nicest, the kindest the best of all we got.

If we want to have it “out there” coming back to us we need to realize we have to start it “in here” in ourselves first. It begins in us and we spread it to others. We initiate it and then we maintain it. We start it and keep the practice going by our continual good thoughts and actions.

If you want to feel better the start feeling better and you will get more of it back. You want more positive thinking to influence your life and actions then begin by thinking positive. This is how it works. You want others to treat you nicer then treat yourself and others nicer and it will come back to you.

Some will say, I can’t I don’t feel good. Well, then take a walk, engage in something that will make you feel better in a positive way. Walking has been scientifically proven to be one of the best ways to clear your head and being and begin to loosen up the hold less than glorious thoughts or feelings has on a person. Safe physical activity, gardening, exercise, and volunteering. If you want to feel better help others to feel better first. There are many ways to begin moving in a more positive and enjoyable direction and the results will come even when you take baby steps. The important factor is to take those baby steps.

As a baby, you did not then realize all the places you would go to and visit and see as a result of those first few steps. You had no idea that those tiny movements would make it so you could do so many things in life. It is the same with us right now.

You can’t have any idea, yet, how incredible your life can be once you make the decision to give yourself the opportunity to move forward, even in very tiny positive ways. The world will open up to you beyond your wildest dreams when you go first for yourself.

Some people encounter their own resistance from years of habitual practices and less glorious thinking. They think, “I am not able to” or “It would not work for me”, and yes this is the thinking that must be replaced. No Olympic athlete would make the team with thoughts like these. Negative thoughts prevent us from seizing the day and the opportunity but they do not have to rule our lives.

This is what each of us MUST understand. We never ever have to live as a victim, we never have to settle for less than the glorious, we can live as a victor and claim and enjoy all wonderful thoughts and feelings.

We can even in spite of counter thoughts and feelings. 

How? One way is to just begin by taking that walk, doing that volunteering or getting some exercise. Do anything positive, or take any small baby step toward feeling better and then keep doing them until you get momentum. Choose a positive question or thought and think it , repeat it over and over to yourself. Shout it, jump it, dance it over and over again for days and weeks and months.

Along the way you will find yourself wanting to add in more. If or when you find yourself not doing what you want to do or think – stop!!! Do not beat yourself up, that is the old way. Instead, be kind and gentle – stop engaging the thought or feeling and start doing something different that moves you in a positive direction.

Just as you eat a meal you take each bite and chew it and swallow. The process of digestion begins the moment the food enters your mouth, in fact some processes begin as you smell it. It takes time to eat it, finish up and process it releasing the nutrients to your brain and body. You don’t slam it into you and voila’ it is gone and benefiting you instantly (though some seem to try this approach) it takes its own time. SO will getting the upper hand on thinking and feeling better. So will making it a point to pay it forward and spread it around. 

Everything has a season, a time frame to grow and develop. Still, what we sow we reap. We plant corn we get corn – it is reliable – we don’t get squash when we have planted corn. We get back what we expect to get back. If you planted corn you aren’t shocked and bowled over when you get corn back because that is the seed you planted. Additionally, when you plant corn you EXPECT it to grown and you expect to have and enjoy corn at a time in the future.

It takes time for everything to grow but what we put out there DOES come back to us.

It all starts with you, with me, with each of us. We need to go first and transform ourselves. We need to take care of our own household. As we do this expect to find the best for ourselves based on what seeds we planted.

We also need to put the positive energy  out there to others. As we do this expect the best to come back to ourselves based on what seeds we planted

We need lo be positive, to love, accept, forgive and always do good to and not harm ourselves. AND we need to extend this to others as well. 

Life changes when we act and when we take responsibility to make it better. It begins with our thinking. The phrase you have most likely heard before, “If it is to be it is up to me” is very true.

If we want a better world for ourselves and others then it begins with us. It begins by transforming ourself and the way we live and act int the world.

If we want to have a better life experience for ourself and with others it is important to do put into practice certain things. 

It begins with each of us GOING First.

If each of us decided to be the person to begin doing these things, without waiting or expecting others to start before us or follow suit imagine how it could be the start of something very wonderful.

Even if very few others were to join in at first,  can you imagine how much better it would be for you? For us? Can you consider how your new positive thoughts, feelings and actions would impact your life and  those you care about? 

Stop for a moment to consider how your children, your family members and friends and you would enjoy living this way. Really think about this.

If we were each committed to doing this don’t you think it would be pretty amazing? As more people began to live like this wouldn’t that be wonderful?  If you and your family and friends enjoyed life more wouldn’t it all be worth it? What if by beginning this for yourself it meant your children or your future children were better equipped to make the most of their lives would you do it then?

John Lennon said,”Give peace a chance”. For positive changes to occur we sometimes have to create room for them. We have to give them the chance to come about. If we want something  it is up to us to provide the opportunity, we need to go first. Someone once said “Be the change you want to see in others and the world”. I think that is a wonderful way to think about what one can accomplish.

How about we decide to live this way?

Let’s love, ourself and others, let’s think and feel positive, let;s forgive ourself  and others,and promise to do good  always and harm no one. That is a much better way to be and the result is a much happier life. Isn’t this more of what you really want? ” Rex Sikes

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