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“It’s absolutely one difference between the rich and the poor. It’s the difference between winners and losers, too. Wait! I’m not saying the poor are losers. Make sure you understand this. I’m saying it’s a difference between those who have and those who don’t. Get this!

Rich people play to win. Poor people play not to lose. Rich people do whatever it takes to get ahead. Those who remain poor play not to lose what they already have. Yes, there are poor people who work extra hard. That is a separate point we can discuss another time.

It is also a reason why some rich people lose everything. Once they make it big they change their mindset. They forget the attitude that got them wealthy and now, instead,  fear losing their money. They do things to hang on to it instead of continuing to build their wealth.

You Become What You Think About – What You Focus On Expands

Instead of continuing to play to win, they play not to lose. What you focus on determines how you feel and what you do. Your results stem from your purpose. Wealth comes from thinking and doing  specific things to make it happen. It matters what you focus on.

I am not saying this is the only reason the poor are poor. There is no shame in being poor. I am pointing out that if you want to make it you have to aim at something. You must have a purpose that drives you to accomplish it. You add to life. You don’t cling to it. Get it!

Aim high. Decide what you will be. Decide what you will have and what you will do. Decide where you will go. You may or may not make it but you will get further faster if you know this in advance. If you want to get to Milwaukee its good if you know the way. Get it?

If You Really Want Something You Will Find A Way

If you are trying not to lose, or you don’t have a definite purpose in mind, you will drift and flounder. Those who succeed are usually those who know they will. They play to win. They do what it takes to get ahead. Yes, there are some bad ones out there too. That’s true.

The bad ones don’t know the difference between creating and competing. They think you have to crush others to get ahead. You don’t! You can succeed by doing things positively and while helping others. In fact, often this is the faster way. Help others along!

If you don’t have a purpose in mind it is time to make one. Clarify what you want and what you will do. Go for what you want. Stay positive and add value to others. All the money you ever receive in life you’ll receive from someone else. It’s a lot easier if you give them lots of value. Over deliver! Help others and you are much more apt to succeed. Especially, when you decide that is what you are going to do. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS Feel free to share. You might also enjoy blog post: The Poor Work Harder Than The Rich. What Do You Do?


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