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“Take a break, relax and count your blessings. It is important to refresh and rejuvenate. So relax, do something wonderful for yourself. Celebrate, enjoy and delight. You deserve to treat yourself well. Treat yourself special today, do something extra nice for you.

When you can be truly thankful for all that you have in your life, when you appreciate it fully, something inside you changes. It as if you awaken. Once you live in gratitude you find much more to include and feel happy and thankful for. You make more room in your life for all good things. You see with new eyes, your heart sings. Each moment becomes a blessing. You open up, allow and become receptive. You are accepting, receiving, while giving thanks. It is really amazing how your life can change when you become filled with thanks.

From thankfulness allow yourself to be. Enjoy! Delight in the small and the large. Celebrate everything. Celebrate yourself. Delight in being you. Rest in who you are.

Allow your self to simply be. Make it a point only to find those things and those moments you appreciate and do so fully. Take a walk, visit a special friend, take in the sights, have a special meal, take a bath or a nap but do something that makes you feel more wonderful.” Rex Sikes

Everyone deserves a special day to enjoy! I hope you have a marvelous one.

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