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horizons fencepost and barn

“There are those who say ‘I am a realist when it comes to thinking’. Interestingly enough, a realist may see what is there but only a visionary can see what can be.

One may be good at recognizing what is present. The other builds the future. All innovation stems from visionaries and dreamers, who saw what needed to be added to the present. They sought to  make it better.

A realist never flew. A dreamer made it possible. Become a dreamer. Look around you and be glad for all of it. Celebrate it. Then add to it. Dream big. Think beyond the boundaries. It all first begins as a thought!

Napoleon Hill said, ‘If you can conceive it and believe it you can achieve it.’  Everything in the human world is first conceived of as a thought, a possibility. It only comes into being in reality when creators believe it is possible.

What you think about you can bring about. From the inside to the outside is the process of creation. The results you get are first born between your ears. If you see it in your mind you can hold it in your hand.

So dream big. Believe it is possible. Make it happen. Oliver Wendall Holmes stated, ‘A mind stretched to a new idea can never go back to it’s original dimension.’ When it comes to you and your life dare to go beyond what you already know into something truly incredible!

Great discoveries and innovations arose when brave men and women dared the impossible. It was Audrey Hepburn who said, ‘Impossible means I’m possible.’ You can make your dreams come true.” Rex Sikes

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Horizon photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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PS A great practice is read the posts daily and then go back and re-read from time to time. You will discover things you missed the first few readings. Try it, you will be surprised.

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