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“‘Do you know how many hours I put in?’ ‘I worked and worked and for almost no money!’ ‘Do you know how much effort and time I put in on this project?’ Yup, you did a lot BUT what are the results? You were very active but what did you actually accomplish? Not much!

People confuse being busy with getting things done. It is not the same! It would be far more impressive if you got the results you were after! Some people work for months and get very little accomplished. They’re busy bees. They’re not productive bees.

If you always do what you always did there is no change. Sadly, most people are blind to this. They continue doing the same thing over and over again thinking they are doing something different. They are blind to their own patterns. They perpetuate a myth. Get it?

The Brain Is A Strong As Its Weakest Think

They don’t set targets or deadlines. They don’t work the next step. They are too busy trying to make sure everything is in place.  ALL you can work is the step right before you. Working that step is the key to success! Instead, they work lots, but produce little!

This is why you commit to the 48 hour rule. This is why you begin right away and work to complete it! You stop letting things hang or pile up. You commit and create results. If you aren’t creating positive results you aren’t creating anything of value! Your wasting time.

If other people are relying on you, you are letting them down. You are letting yourself down. You have a pattern that is not productive and you need to see your own patterns to begin to make some positive, and much-needed changes. Take action. Get things done!

If You Really Want To Do It You Will Find A Way

When you start accomplishing things you can begin to make it look easy, like an Olympic athlete makes it look easy. WOW! That would be impressive. Then you can transform your life and your business! Have a plan. Have a target date. Don’t wait for things to be perfect. Work the step before you. Step by step a journey of a 1000 miles is made. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS I am here to help you live the life you deserve to live!

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What’s Stopping You’
 is a life changing 22 minute audio MP3 that helps you go beyond limitations, break through obstacles and make positive changes to get the results you want! Get it! It is Free!

Without Self Control You Are Stuck And Face Blocks
When You Learn Self Control You Can Master AnythingThose interested in learning more, come join me now in Mind Design™!

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