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You have the opportunity to hold each other accountable. Get together as frequently as possible. In person, preferably, but Skype or phone works too. Your time together will be spent taking turns telling your future success stories and NOTHING ELSE.

No needs, no wants, no excuses, no ‘I have to’.  No ‘I am trying to’. Just tell your future success story. Describe your life and what you are doing as a successful, happy, rich, complete person. Share in as much detail as possible. This is ‘act as if’ in practice. Tell it like it is!

Divide your sharing time equally. Your partner can ask you questions about how you did it; how it feels to have done it; what you did first; second, third; what it feels like to ride in your fabulous new luxury car; how it felt when you first got in it and drove it home. Get it?

To Enjoy Enduring Success You Must In Advance Of The World

Well, do you? Tell the future story as if it already happened. Share past future success. You already did it! You already made it happen! Recount it with enthusiasm. Your partner’s job is to enthusiastically support you in sharing and clarifying every adding detail.

Make it rich and fun. Each time you get together you can share the exact same story or elaborate and add more detail. Live that future inside you right now and get used to telling it. Live your future story as if it is presently happening. Share it again and again.

Talk about it. Live it. Make it real. Then actually make it happen! From within to without. Thought are things. What you think about you bring about. What you say is what you get! Add voice to your thought power. Share your successes today.

Live Your Dreams For The Future As If They Are Happening Now

Be sure to find a good partner. Hold each other to the task. Repeat this exercise as frequently as you possible. The more you enjoy, feel grateful and engage in the exercise the sooner your subconscious gets it.

IMPORTANT NOTE: From the very moment you get together online, or in person, you need you act as if you are already living that successful lifetime. Discuss from the future vantage point your successes and accomplishments. Imagine it fully as possible.

You might say something such as,  ‘My day is going great. I just had three multi-million deals come through. It is so fabulous!’ Or ‘I just opened up a string of laundromats.’ ‘ I’m so excited my renewable energy resource company just launched to great fanfare,’

What You Say Is What You Get – What YouSee is What You Get

‘l just made a fortune in my stocks.’ or ‘I just  flipped 6 houses.’ You relate success stories related to your purpose and your dreams. Share positive stories and happenings as if these had really happened. Discuss and share with enthusiasm and passion.

You cannot talk from lack or need! No, no, no, no, no!  You speak only from prosperity and happiness, future wealth and well-being. You are not allowed to discuss present problems. NONE allowed! No difficulties! No struggles! Nothing to solve! Get it? It all works!

You are a wealthy, prosperous, happy, successful person meeting another wealthy, prosperous, happy, successful person. Together you share and enjoy your positive, happy, successes. You recount and celebrate the good times. You share only the wins! Get it?

If You Can Conceive It And Believe It You Can Achieve It

‘To enjoy enduring success one must travel a little in advance of the world.’ First you dream it, see it, imagine it, then you create it and enjoy it. From within to without. What you think about you bring about. If you can see it in your mind you can hold it in your hand.

Do it. Do it now. Tell and live your stories. ‘What the mind can conceive and believe it can achieve’. Feel the fabulous feelings of accomplishment. Enjoy the sensations. Live them. Embrace them. Amplify them. Delight in them and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

How much delight can you have today?

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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