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“Are you one of those people who gets down on yourself? Things  frequently don’t work out well? Perhaps, you blame yourself or your parents, your upbringing and social conditioning for your current mindset and woes. I’ve got some good news for you!

You can turn it around. You may not believe that yet, but you absolutely can. Ultimately, it is important that you do if you’d like to make some permanent. positive changes but you can begin right where you are. That’s what I did. That’s what everyone does.

The good news is you wouldn’t be programmed or conditioned as you were in the past unless you were programmable. This means you are pliable. You are able to be influenced and fashioned. Most of it happened when you were very young but it is true today too.

Think Positive – Be Positive – And Positive Things Will Happen

Your brain is able to grow and develop. When you learn and acquire new things your brain actually structurally changes. It is called ‘neuroplasticity’. Today, whatever age you are, you can change and grow and evolve for the positive when you take charge to do it.

What does that mean? Well, most of us walk around in the mindset we were conditioned to as a child. We live, almost as if we are in an hypnotic trance. Why do I say that? Because we react to life experiences without having to think about it. We are habitual.

We can wake up from that trance. We can wake up and discover your inner and outer resources. You can go beyond limiting beliefs and conditioned mindset and behaviors. You can wake up!  How do you awaken? It is actually quite simple. You decide to wake up.

We Are What We Repeatedly Do Make A Decision To Be Excellent

Make a decision now to begin to live in a more positive way even if you don’t know how. Think it. Say it. ‘Even though I am not completely sure how to begin I am learning how…’ That’s it. The first step is be willing to move forward. You don’t have to know how.

Affirm that throughout the day. Say it and mean it. Muster up as much emotional enthusiasm as you are able and think and say it enthusiastically. Mean it! Commit to it as much as you can. Renew your commitment and repeat every day. ‘I am a positive person’.

‘I think and feel  positive. I feel good about myself. I am in the process of learning to feel more positive. I am taking charge of my thoughts and actions. I am taking charge of my life. It feels good to be positive.’ Or some variation that is meaningful to you. Okay? DO IT.

Talking About Problems Is Our Greatest Addition – Break It

Spend a few concentrated moments each morning and evening. Then throughout the day whenever you are able to. Repeat it out loud or to yourself. To wake up from conditioned trance all it takes is concentration, your imagination and suggestion. You can wake up.

You can be free.  If you want your life to be different you must do different things from what you have been doing. You make some small changes that ultimately are quite powerful. Only 1% change a day will result in 365% change in a year. THAT is impressive. 1%!

Read a little positive inspirational material each day or listen to audios. I recommend, Napoleon Hill’s ‘Think and Grow Rich.’ Read a few minutes each day and think about what you read. Make a study of it. Easy does it, but reflect on it. Let it sink in. Make it part of you.

Break The Habit – Talk About Your Joys – Think I Can Do This

Make a list of 25 things that you are grateful for at bedtime. A great habit to develop is to write them in a journal. Find different things each day. If it seems tough at first that is okay. It gets easier as you get used to looking for these. You get what you focus on.

Gratitude is a great way to change everything about you and your life. Each morning I think and say this first thing. ‘I love my life! Something magical is going to happen to me today! I accept all the wonderful gifts of the universe! Today is my day! I love my life.’

You can too! Allow little things to delight and surprise you and you make room for bigger things. You condition yourself for thinking and feeling good. The little bits of time you spend doing this pay off big. See it in your mind, say it and it becomes your reality. It really does.

Imagination Is More Important Than Knowledge – Use It – Do It

Use your imagination and visualize yourself as you want to be. Imagine you are already there. You are that person and you are already doing those things. See it. Affirm it. Feel it. You will eventually live it. That is how it works from the inside out!

Concentration, imagination and suggestion. You do each just a little bit each day and you will be surprised how quickly you can change. Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Go at your own pace. Slightly challenge yourself to keep it interesting and celebrate everything!”

What can you do to delight yourself and others today?

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Photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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