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“One of the reasons people may feel down, distressed and even get sick is because they are too routined and run habitual patterns day in and day out. They experience novelty in the form of daily stressors but they don’t enjoy novelty as a positive force in their lives.

What does this mean to you? It means if you always do what you always did you perpetuate the old. You don’t experience much that’s new. If you live with low-grade chronic stress you aren’t as healthy or thriving as you ought to be. This takes a toll on you. Change it!

To be healthier and happier, more stress-free and optimistic learn something new! It could be you take up a sport like golf or archery, throwing darts, juggling, dancing or swimming. You could learn a new language, cooking, sewing, singing, chess or pottery. Anything!

Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life

When you learn new things you stretch in positive ways. You grow new neural pathways. You break up old routines. Your brain grows healthier, as you do in happiness and positive self-regard. It’s good for you to willingly leave your comfort zone. Apply new knowledge!

There may be some stress or frustration when first learning a new skill but as you improve that gives way to increased happiness and good feelings. Learning is its own reward. Take workshops, seminars or college classes. Do something to improve yourself!

Variety is the spice of life. Adding new and novel experiences promotes well-being and positive emotions. Do new things that make you feel better, increase your enjoyment. Improve your self-image. Mildly challenge yourself to grow is good for your brain.

Change Your Thoughts And You Transform Your Life

When you create a healthy brain you create a healthy body and vice versa. Learn something new to improve yourself and your business. As you do you create a healthier attitude and spirit. Recapture the joy of learning by learning new things in new and fun ways.

It doesn’t need to be too difficult or complex. It’s better if it isn’t so you don’t quit or end up frustrated. Just make sure you are always learning. Focus on building skill-sets and improving your abilities.

You benefit long-term doing this. You develop new neural pathways and enjoy the benefits of a more fit brain. You stay younger longer and improve your vitality and outlook. Remember, as a child you learned while you played. Do that again and recapture some of your youth and enjoyment. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


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“‘Life On Your Terms’ is a hall of fame level book written by Rex Steven Sikes. I am such a fan of this book. I truly think this is one of the greatest personal development books written of all time.” Moe Rock, Owner & Publisher The Los Angeles Tribune

©2021 Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2020 Photo Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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