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“Some people want to teach others and are teachers somewhere.  They are successful because they are doing what they wanted to do. Some people wanted to work in a bank and they do. They are already successful. Some people are doing what they want to do. Are you?

Some people want to marry and have a family and are successful in doing so. Some want to own the corner store or their own service station are successful because that’s what they are doing. Success is working for and attaining what you want to do for yourself.

Some people want to weigh a certain amount and are exercising or eating in a certain fashion in order to do this. These people are successful. They are pursuing what they want. You are successful when you go after your goals and dreams. What are you doing?

Wealth can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!

Have you ever noticed that successful people tend to be successful more often while people who fail continue to have hardship? What is the difference between the two types? One has goals and positively pursue them. Plus, success leads to more success. Winners win!

The others may not have specified goals. They may not have learned how to get what they want They drift. They live by default. They tend to have excuses for why they did not make it instead of reasons why they accomplished what they set out to do.

Birds of a feather flock together. Like attracts like. Positive thoughts and actions attract and generate more positive thoughts and actions. Positive feelings enable more positive feelings. The more we do the more we can do. The same is true for quitting or for failure.

Success can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!

You are successful and will keep having more successes when you maintain a positive mental exercise and get proper mental nutrition. As Napoleon Hill stated, ‘If you can conceive it and believe it you can achieve it.’ Keep moving towards your goals. This is success.

Success is continuing to move forward. How you journey matters. So journey well all along the way. Live life on your terms. Make things happen. Stay positive. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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International Marketing Guru Joe Soto

©2022 Rex Steven Sikes & Idea Seminars

Meme @2021 Rex Steven Sikes & Idea Seminars

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