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horizons lit-phil-koch

“Today, for no reason at all. Go out and do something good. Go bless someone with a random or deliberate act of kindness. Say a kind word, put a smile on the face of someone else. Friend or stranger. Give money to someone.

Give money to someone you don’t think deserves it. Stop micromanaging your goodness and just be good to others. Treat your family, friends and co-workers, employers, and employees, associates and strangers better than ever today.

Practice being nice and happy and supportive. Be first. Go the extra mile. Why? No reason. Just do it. Use today to gift someone in a special way. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

*** We are planning some new things! Soon  A Teleseminar with Rex.  What are your questions, what do you want to know, what would you like help with? Use the comment section to let me know. I’ll let you know when, meanwhile, please let me know what you’d like. ***

Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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