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“Life is a process. It’s about growing and changing. Life continues evolving. Change should be something we enjoy. It is the only actual constant. Things change. We should enjoy the journey. Life is too short in many ways and at best guess, we only get to do it once.

Our lives should be heavenly. We should be and do and get to have whatever we desire to live as if we are living in paradise. Some people actually do. They have learned the secret to living well. Perhaps, they were brought up knowing it. Or they learned this.

Or they apply it without knowing it but they live the dream. You and I could and should too. Life is paradise but so many miss this. Do you? Are you focused on the good and the good you can contribute or are you like those who are focused on not so good and complain?

Success can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!

It is a choice. It is a choice we get to make every moment. Choose or lose. Choose well. You either are focusing on dog shit or on diamonds. Whatever you choose, think about, believe in and expect determines what kind of experiences you have on the journey.

Make it an incredible journey because life is too short. Whatever anyone else accomplishes or has we can too. We don’t need to deprive anyone, anything. There is plenty for all. The key is to stop blaming. So many people blame so many others. It doesn’t serve.

They blame others, god, the universe, politicians, parents, teachers, or upbringing, children, friends, strangers, events, circumstances, what they have and what they don’t have. Stop blaming others and ourselves! Stop making excuses. Start taking responsibility.

Happiness can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!

Be responsible and be accountable. Stop whining and complaining and start making things better for yourself and others. Start being and living how you want to. Determine the qualities you want, the lifestyle you want, the things you want, and to move toward them.

Without depriving anyone else. There is plenty for everyone. There is enough. Live as though you are already prosperous. Celebrate now what you want to be doing AS IF you are already doing it.  Do this: See yourself as the person you would like to be.

Begin by making a 30 day commitment to live your life this way. At the end of 30 days do it again. Then again and again. You will be so surprised and delighted. Okay, someone may just have thought, ‘wait a second why must I then do it another 30 days?’

Wealth can be yours BUT if you do nothing, nothing changes!

My answer to that is because you will be so pleased with the results you get from your first 30 days you will want to continue. Change your thoughts and you transform your life. Make good happen for yourself and others. Stop waiting and start creating. Get it? Do it. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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International Marketing Guru Joe Soto

©2022 Rex Steven Sikes & Idea Seminars

Meme @2021 Rex Steven Sikes & Idea Seminars

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