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“You get what you focus on. That is the message from ancient times. It is a message in the Law Of Attraction. You get back AND more of what you put out. Energy flows where attention goes. The Law Of Compensation and Increase states we should expect a good ROI.

Focus on what you want! Not on what you do not want. Focus on the good and the positive you desire not the negativity you want to avoid. Draw to yourself the good you are passionate about and want to include. Focus on it and you will create it and attract it.

Gandhi said ‘Be the change you want in the world.’ Jesus said, ‘If you have the faith of a mustard seed (the tiniest of seeds) you can say to the mountain, be removed and it will be removed.’ I take this to mean have faith and you can solve your problems. There is a secret though.

If I Have The Belief I Can Do It I Will Acquire The Capacity To Do It

You must go first. You must have faith first that the problem will be solved. You must see and embody the solution prior to it existing. You must FIRST be the change. You don’t get it if you expect it to show up first. Become it and act as if you already have it to get it.

Certainty. Absolute knowing that it is yours IS stepping out on faith. It means develop certainty because where and how you put your energy determines the ease and the quickness you get it back. Having faith means certainty. Positivity is powerful.

Positive thinking is NOT the silly example as put forth by Tony Robbins and some others. It is not looking at the weeds and thinking ‘there are no weeds’. This is a poor misrepresentation. Positive thinking is ‘I can clear the weeds. I can learn to if I don’t know how’.

An Eye For An Eye Ends Up Making The Whole World Blind

‘I can do it. I will do it.’  ‘I can handle the weeds. I am capable and confident.’ You think and feel and act to get a particular result. It may seem realistic when you state ‘I can do this’ especially when others think you can’t. Great spirits encounter opposition from others.

Edison, Ford, Tesla, Jesus, Gandhi, King, Lincoln, and others have all faced opposition. Massive opposition! They didn’t quit or give up because others thought they were nuts or that they couldn’t do it. They persevered and prevailed. It came at a cost but they paid it.

You don’t get peace by acting hateful. You don’t build positive change by being negative. You don’t move ahead powerfully by complaining and feeling despair. You don’t get loving people or acceptance by being intolerant and hating others.

The Future Depends On What We Do In The Present

You don’t create anything positive, peace, love, community, acceptance or togetherness by blaming and acting like the others who want to tear you down. You must rise to a higher level of awareness to make a positive impact. Seek higher ground!

Gandhi, King, Einstein, Jesus and others far smarter than I seem to all say, ‘love each other’ rather than piss on each other. If you win be a gracious winner if you lose be a gracious loser. Correct wrongs but in the right way. Don’t give up. Stick with it. Commit to compassion.

Don’t whine, complain or abuse others. Work for positive changes in ways that bring about positive changes. Accept, forgive, inspire, educate, assist, expose, love. Build bridges not bombs. Respect life don’t harm or take it. Focus on what you want to bring it about.

Happiness Is When What You Think Say And Do Are In Harmony

We are always getting the results of our thoughts. We are either getting what we want or we are getting what we don’t want. We are either living or dying. What we end up with is based on what we think and do. If you don’t like the results change what gets them.

If you want your life and world to change you must change the way you are doing things in your life and the world. If you want peace you must become peaceful. If you want love become more loving, first. You create and attract what you already are. That’s what most miss.

It is just like prayer. Most people pray when things get bad and ask for something other than what is going on. When things are fine they don’t bother. Tides turn and they become beggars. Stop begging and start praising. Start feeling gratitude. Start appreciating. Be thankful.

Strength Rises From Indomitable Spirit Not Physical Capacity

Be thankful for what you already have if you want more of the same and better. Stop begging because when you beg you act as if you don’t already have it. Even the bible says, ask believing you will receive and you will receive. There is an order to how things work.

Be the change you want in the world. Go first. Build bridges. Focus on harmony. Focus on love. Focus on community. Think it! Feel it! Be it! And you not only become what you think about you get back more of what you think about. Basic cause and effect. Do it.

Be happy and get more. Be sad and beg for a difference and remain the same longer. Be angry and hateful and you will get it back. I mean really, think about what you create for yourself and if you don’t want it choose to create something more wonderful. How?  Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

May your day be incredible!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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