“It’s said Leaders are readers. Why? Because leaders invest time, energy, effort and money into making themselves better. How do they do that? They learn that they learn that they can learn to do most anything they put their mind to. They are curious and seek transformational information and experiences. Information doesn’t change anyone. You change by correctly applying the information, through experimenting and failing. Get it?

It’s a process. No one can teach you, but you can learn. People can present information and provide exercises, but they can do your learning for you. You must learn it to do it. Practice it enough to make it a habit and develop mastery. You can control yourself but not others. Therefore, others can’t control your learning. They can only make the information and experience available to you. It’s like offering you water. YOU drink it. Not them.

Real change begins with you. From within to without. ‘Craft (1984) noted that there are two different Latin roots of the English word ‘education.’ They are educare, which means to train or to mold, and educere, meaning to lead out. While the two meanings are quite different, they are both represented in our word ‘education.” While teachers attempt to train or mold the learning occurs by leading or drawing out understanding and ability.


Personal growth starts within us. Gandhi said, ‘be the change you want to see in the world.’ To positively influence or change the world it first begins with you. That’s why one of Rex’s Rules is GO FIRST. Transformation begins with what you can control and the only thing you truly can control is your own thoughts, feelings, words and actions. Stop trying to control others and control yourself. The universe is expanding and so should you.

Consciousness is expanding. You can expand your awareness, your appreciation, your talents and abilities and the ability to see opportunities, possibilities and resources within you and around you. AS you grow or evolve or change external reality grows or evolves. Why or how? Consciousness is consciousness. Energy is energy. You are the universe, and the universe is you. If you understand this, you already appreciate it. It’s always expanding.

You’re born to be a human. That means you’re born to make decisions. The decisions you make influences your life experiences. Change yourself and your world changes. Because you are the world. You are responsible for yourself in the world. What you think and do, what you choose matters. The universe is increasing. Your choice is to increase too. How you use this control, these choices, matter and it shapes the universe.


Being human is a precious experience that far too many don’t appreciate. Growing or personal improvement doesn’t necessarily mean adding things to you as you are already all there is. Rather, it is about letting go and releasing all that is not authentically you. It’s learning to drop your beliefs that you have limiting beliefs. Drop the limitations you grew to accept. Drop the conditioning that you think keeps you stuck. Release and become free.

That means exploration. You don’t become a different person, you become your true self. It means stop trying to make others and circumstances different and focus on yourself. Your choice is to choose to work on yourself and let others choose to work on themselves. Don’t force them or resent them if they don’t. That’s not up to you. It’s up to each of us to focus on our own development. Don’t resist others or circumstances, instead, be the change.

The Law of Growth asks us to look at the things we cannot control. Look at how you deal with accepting this. The focus should be on you. The focus should not be on controlling others or things around you. Let others come to their own conclusions about what they need to change. The Law of Growth states you only have control over yourself. YOU can choose how you respond. Napoleon Hill said it too. The only thing you can control is your own thinking. Learn to manage your thoughts. Learn to love yourself. Learn to accept yourself and others. Learn to appreciate yourself, others, events and circumstances. Everything changes when you learn to celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


Moe Rock, CEO The Los Angeles Tribune says, “One of the best books in personal development published in the last 25 years.” 

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©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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