“Let’s clear something up right now. Abundance does not mean money or happiness or health or any ‘thing.’ Abundance defined means, a great or plentiful amount, having a rich supply or the condition of having a rich supply, and a degree of plentifulness. Therefore, you can have great wealth or poverty. Great happiness or sorrow. Great health or sickness.

You want abundance but what you fail to realize is you’re already abundant. YOU may be abundant in money and happiness or abundant in lack and sorrow. Realize this? Many don’t. They think abundance is something outside themselves and apart from them. They also think it means having money or success. But that isn’t abundance.

Abundance is a condition. Joy or fear is what you have abundantly! Get it? You can abundantly have good things or be overwhelmed with a rich supply of crap. Problems can be plentiful. That said, you always have abundant something. What it is, is up to you. BUT abundance is now and it’s within. From within to without. Now, perhaps you can realize.


People miss because they don’t understand. They think they don’t have what they want so they notice what they don’t have. They see the gap between where they are and where they want to be. But abundance is abundance whether you notice it or not. It can be abundant good or abundant bad. What you get is what you are focused on. Get this.

If you are experiencing abundant lack and problems, what are you affirming to yourself? What are you imagining? What are you saying to yourself and others/ Are you worried about not having? Where are you focused? Most likely it is not about being full, fulfilled and prosperous. Sure, you can be saying affirmations, ‘I am rich’ but thinking ‘how broke I am.’

You say affirmations to develop congruence. You align your head and your heart, your words and behaviors. To experience the abundance within you must feel it. That is what living from the feeling of the wish fulfilled means. You don’t have a single dollar. but you live from the feeling of having that buck AND not from the feeling of not having enough.


It is contrary to your historical ‘fact.’ You are never broke. You just aren’t experiencing the abundance within. You have $100 dollars in a suit pocket or purse in the closet. Even though you possess it you don’t know you possess it. You can’t spend what you don’t know you have. Essentially, you don’t have it, even though you do have it. Get it? Change things.

Act like you have the hundred to discover the hundred. If you think and act like you are broke you remain broke. Remember, what you put out comes back. What you focus on you get. What are you focused on mostly? Abundance of good or abundance of not-so-good. What has your attention? Prosperity or poverty. Are you joyful or worried and fearful?

Where you spend your time, your thinking time, is what you get. Your energy and power flows where your attention goes. If you think you have nothing you are powerless and have nothing. If you think you have plenty, even though your pockets are empty you are full. Get this and things change. AND be patient. They could happen instantly or not.


Recognize that you have sufficiency within. Sufficiency is inherently yours and a part of you. You always have enough whether you think that’s accurate or not. Recognize your resources within you to achieve genuine abundance. You are more than enough BUT if you think not, then you are not. Thinking makes it so. Think lack and you miss. Understand!

You are infinite possibilities, opportunities and resources within. The possibilities could be good or bad depending on what you’re focused on. If you don’t like what you are getting in life, change what you are thinking and focused on. Change your thoughts and transform your life. Stop thinking you don’t have abundance because that’s not true. You’ve plenty.

Change the direction you have chosen. Either you have plenty of luck or plenty of prosperity. If you talk about what you don’t have. don’t want and don’t like then stop and start talking about what you do have, do like and also want. Make the shift and notice what happens. Discover your riches and richness within and you’ll find it without.


I’ll say it again. Inherent in you is all abundance. Decide what to do with that. Attitude is everything! The direction you send your mind and self-talk in brings you the results you experience. Your attitude determines your altitude HIGH OR LOW! Get it. How about you develop a powerfully joyful attitude, practice gratitude and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

PS I’m gonna pull back the curtain on speaking publicly, positively and powerfully! Captivate your listeners, engage your audience and get the results and success you want!

Live zoom March 13, 3pm PST join us. Must be registered for replay. Use this link:




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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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