“You’ve heard it countless times: Keep an open mind! It sounds simple, right? But ask yourself, are you genuinely open to new ideas, or do you find yourself jumping to conclusions, locking into one ‘right answer,’ and dismissing anything that challenges your existing beliefs? If so, it might be time for a mental reset! Learn to Stop having a closed mind. Open your mind to new possibilities because the rewards are endless when you do.
A closed mind is like living in a locked room with the blinds drawn. It’s easy to shut out anything unfamiliar or uncomfortable and cling to the familiar. The signs of a closed mind are straightforward. People, or perhaps you, make snap judgments or rush to conclusions before fully understanding a concept. They don’t listen to listen. They listen to object and correct. They miss out on having higher quality relationships and communicating well.
They live from fixed options believing there is only one correct solution or perspective to any situation, often your own. They take a defensive stance by feeling that others are “wrong” if they disagree with you and refusing to consider their point of view. It’s why they don’t listen. They dismiss or reject new or different ideas without serious thought simply because they don’t fit their worldview. If you do, notice when you do.
This is a natural human tendency, but one that we can and should work to overcome. As I often say, ‘Contempt for a new idea before examination is a sign of a closed mind.’ My more popular quote is ‘Exploration is the doorway to adventure. Curiosity is the key.’ A favorite of mine is attributed to Oliver Wendall Holmes ‘A mind stretched to a new idea, can never go back to its original dimension.’ We benefit greatly by staying open.
Living with a closed mind keeps you boxed into the same experiences, perspectives, and limitations, robbing you of the opportunity for growth. When you shut down any idea or point of view that doesn’t align with yours, you miss out on discovering innovative solutions, connecting with others on a deeper level, and, most importantly, learning and expanding. It’s like putting a cap on your own potential. A closed mind costs you plenty.
Ready to make a change? Let’s look at ways to open to new ideas and experiences. Be willing to embrace exploration. Remember, ‘Exploration is the doorway to adventure.’ Start exploring ideas you’re not initially drawn to. That doesn’t mean you have to adopt every new concept you encounter but let yourself investigate it without judgment. Read up on it, research it, or even just think about it with an open mind.
Like a traveler setting out to explore new lands, decide to approach each idea with curiosity rather than resistance. While it can be beneficial to be surrounded by likeminded people, you don’t want all likeminded people. If they all think like you, you are limited. If you think the way they do, that might be good but that depends. What you do want is people who challenge you so you notice blind spots and things you wouldn’t.
If you always do what you always did, nothing changes. Things remain the same and if you don’t like them, that’s being stuck. To move forward you must move. Having people with different points of view, different beliefs and experiences to have in your life ONLY makes your life richer. Especially, if you can listen with an open mind and not prevent them from expressing their perspectives. LISTEN TO LEARN not to discuss or refute. Get it?
Pause before you judge. When that knee-jerk reaction to dismiss something as ‘wrong’ or ‘stupid’ pops up, catch yourself. Pause. Take a breath and let that initial reaction subside. Let it go and be different. Tell yourself, ‘I’m going to see this through before forming an opinion.’ This single pause can make all the difference. It’s a choice. Dog crap or diamonds and diverse experiences and ideas are diamonds. If you want your life to change…
You must change things in your life. Stay curious. It’s the key to adventure. Ask yourself questions about your own judgments. ‘Where did I get this opinion? Why do I believe it so strongly? Look around and consider others’ views. Who else thinks this way, and why? When you develop the habit of asking questions, you open up pathways to understanding that weren’t there before. You can ask the other person too, just to learn from them.
Curiosity is the antidote to closed-mindedness. Close-mindedness has another name. Dickheadedness. Instead of challenging others to win your point, ask questions to learn why they hold their beliefs, values, opinions and judgements. What led them to those conclusions. By knowing how they chose to think you understand them better and can communicate in more positive ways. You can even predict how they” think and act in the future.
When we challenge our own beliefs, we free ourselves to see from new angles. Start questioning your assumptions regularly. Recognize when you’re holding onto an idea out of habit. It may be great to continue to do so. It may be that it’s useful sometimes but not others. Open up. Develop flexibility in your thinking and you’ll become far more creative and a better problem solver. Try seeing the world from the opposite perspective.
You may not ultimately change your view, but you will stretch your mind to new possibilities. Good attorneys and debaters can speak on the other side. They can argue for the opposite position in addition to their own. When you can embrace multiple perspectives you have more choices, possibilities and opportunities. You can see what you otherwise couldn’t. You reduce your blind spots and open your ability to see new things.
Becoming aware of when you’re shutting down or closing off is the first step toward real change. Notice when you feel frustration or anger arising. Notice when you are feeling constricted, or you just must really make this person understand their folly or your brilliance. NOTICE and stop. THEN celebrate those moments of self-awareness! When you recognize a closed-minded response, see it as an opportunity to grow rather than a flaw.
Celebrate noticing to encourage future noticing. Stop criticizing yourself and others if you make a mistake and become grateful you noticed. Making mistakes is fine, it helps you move forward to learn to recognize, correct, adjust and continue. Making the same mistake is what people call stupid or futile. It means you’re not paying attention or caring enough. So, whenever you realize you goofed, be thankful you don’t have to goof again.
Get it? I encourage people instead of living a lack-luster, half assed life, of low energy, lack of investment and no worthy returns to stop being dickheaded or stubborn and to step into their full potential. People miss out because they don’t make changes. Instead, they defend their position and give reasons why they can’t. They look for loopholes to not do things in their own best interests instead of all they reasons why they should.
If you know you should and you don’t, what does that tell you? If you could do it but don’t know what is going on? How about putting an end to those cycles and moving forward in productive and meaningful ways that delight and excite you about your life and relationships? Notice when you could be moving forward but aren’t. Celebrate that awareness and then choose to move forward. Knowing but not doing, is not really knowing.
Act in your own best interests.
So, I ask you, isn’t it time to break free from the limitations of a closed mind? In my programs, you’ll learn how to cultivate curiosity, challenge your perspectives, and create a mindset that’s not only open but also endlessly expansive. Imagine a life where every new idea feels like a chance to grow, where you’re not held back by rigid beliefs but are free to create, connect, and live with purpose. Join my program today to transform your thinking.
You’ll expand your horizons and unlock the power of an open mind. Together, we’ll explore practices and principles to help you recognize and overcome closed-mindedness, build habits that open your mind to success, and create a more joyful, fulfilling life. This is your chance. Don’t let it pass by! Open your mind, embrace new possibilities, and step into the life you’re capable of creating. Make today the day you begin your transformation. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes
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Infographic ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Photograph ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
Blog Article ©2024 Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC
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