“Life doesn’t just happen to you. Consciousness exists. What IS, is eternally present. You are consciousness. It doesn’t happen to you; you are a co-creator in the process. Awareness allows for change. If you’re aware of a situation you don’t like you can thank and do something to alter it. If you’re aware of one you like you can think and do something to enhance it. If it’s to be it is up …

You are not just in the universe to be taken for a ride but to decide where that ride goes and how. Your thoughts, beliefs, attitude, your point of view, your perspective, your values you experience all shapes how you go through it. If you think you are a passive passenger, you will miss so much of why you are here. Act like a passive passenger and you’ll be treated like one. Act differently.

To make things happen you must act. What first exists within an idea must be translated to the outside. Ideas get put down on paper. You speak your ideas to others. You gather resources and develop the idea to bring it about. You take action to make things happen. Stop waiting for things to happen for you. Stop waiting for things to work out. Create what you want your life to be.


Citing examples from Napoleon Hill, Edwin C Barnes didn’t wait for things. He thought and took action to become a partner of Edison. The minister Frank Gunsaulus didn’t pray and wait for 1 million dollars; he went out and gave a speech that brought him the money. Charles Schwab didn’t sit by and wait; he served Andre Carnegie and became his right-hand man. So many examples.

The little girl whose mother needed fifty cents. The Wright Brothers kept at it until they flew. More modern examples, Mother Theresa helped when many wouldn’t. Steve Jobs created an empire as did Jeff Bezos from his garage. You simply must not wait for things to happen. These examples teach us that there is something great going on inside of us. Tap into it. Use it. Create something!

Make things happen. Don’t wait for things to fall into your lap. It’s from within to without. I’ve shared the formula countless times. The eternal world serves to provide examples of what is possible, and that life originates from within us. Develop your focus. Develop your imagination. Develop your attitude and mindset. Stop waiting. Start creating. If it’s to come true it’s up to you.


Create your best life, because only you can. If you don’t do it, no one’s going to do it for you. Yes, you can cooperate and collaborate with others. Develop harmony within and harmony without. Be optimistic and positive and create wonderful loving partnerships and relationships. Take charge and design your life and then work that plan to bring it into being. Transmute the invisible to the visible. THAT is the process of creation. THIS is consciousness and you are consciousness. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


ou cannot simply wait for things to happen to you. These external things teach us about what’s going on inside of us. Create space for things you desire to show up. Don’t wait for great things to fall into your lap.


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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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