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“Build the habit of course correcting. It’s useful when you get off track, (from your goal, from feeling good or from thinking positively) as soon as you become aware you are off course, you STOP. Pause. Shift by gently nudging yourself back towards where you were headed. You don’t blame or excuse. Simply acknowledge. Accept. Nudge back and move on. Awareness is the key.

After a while, you’ll have made this a positive habit. Whenever you feel less than glorious, you’ll notice. You’ll become aware because you trained this. You’ll recognize it and take steps to help yourself feel, at least, a little better. You develop a guidance system similar to what’s used to get rockets, planes and ships to their destination. You create an inner GPS to what you want.

The reason people think negatively is because it’s habitual. It’s what you learned to do and so you do it. It’s habit to think poorly and look at the world or circumstances and think even more poorly. Whatever you focus on intensely for a time you create and attract more of it. The person who spends time thinking negatively ends up doing it most of the time. It’s a habit to break.

To Help You Celebrate Everything Enroll in Mind Design™.

Since habits are difficult to break it does require consistent effort to break them. When we have a habit and that serves us positively it’s great.  When it’s an unwanted habit we want to change it means we need to put some effort into changing it. We need to train our subconscious consciously to develop a new habit and this requires patience and our dedicated attention to it.

When we develop the habits we want THEN they too will be reliable and difficult to break. Then we will find ourselves automatically behaving as we want to We will think, feel and behave more positively and productively. We will get consistent results. The reason positive thinking gets easier is because it becomes a habit. The idea is to wire in more positive habits that serve us than bad.

As with any habit, once you do it enough, correctly, consistently, repeatedly it gets wired in and your subconscious takes it over. The habit become reliable. You have created new neural pathways. The goal is to have your positive habits outweigh your negative ones. Your thinking, feeling and doing habits should be predominantly positive if you want a positive life.

To Help You Celebrate Everything Enroll in Mind Design™.

If your habits aren’t serving you then it’s time to make them serve you. You can only do this if you take charge, put yourself in control and make your habits serve you. You must develop yourself to be and do and have whatever it is you want. It gets easier when you stick with it and are consistent in your practice. You’ll get to a point where it just seems to flow.

It’s how you have gotten good at anything. Whether it’s reading, writing, a sport, driving, any skill you’re good at. At first, it may have seemed a little tough because you were learning to do something new. That is true for most everything people attempt to learn. If you already knew it and did it well you wouldn’t have to learn how to. So, you have to apply yourself consistently.

If you don’t do anything to change you will always remain the same. If that’s okay with you then be happy about it. However, if you want to change your life for the better then you must change what you are thinking and doing. It’s far easier to change than you may realize it is. It’s even easier than how I describe it. Still, to get the payoff and to win, you have to play the game.

To Help You Celebrate Everything Enroll in Mind Design™.

Surprise yourself! Take action and decide to develop new positive habits. Decide how you’d like to be and what you want to become, do and have. What do you want to create? Which less-than-glorious habits do you want to replace? Begin with something important to you and do it. OR, start small. Whatever you choose, be consistent. You don’t have to re-do everything all at once.

As you make one change others may fall into place as well. BUT if you do nothing but what you already do you will never change. You’ll remain the same. However, if you’ll apply what I’ve shared in these blog posts, my book, programs and the Attitude Activator™ you can absolutely make your dreams come true. So, do it. Make today a very good new day. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


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“‘Directed Questions’ created by Rex Sikes and the Mind Design course I am doing is very helpful. I change not only my focus but mindset, attitude and results. Helps me turn challenging situations into playful voyages of discovery and delight. Thanks to the Mind Design process, I have discovered that I have more indomitable strength and courage than I gave myself credit for!” Kathy Strong, NLP Trainer and Coach, Bleadon, England

“Mind Design helps me choose amazing thinking instead of habitual thoughts that aren’t useful. I form new habits in thought and feeling that result in actions that get me my goals. The possibilities are endless.” Robert Bogsten, Marketing Copyrighter, Turku, Finland

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©2022 Meme Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2022 Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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