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stop waiting and go out and make them happen

“Our body and mind is one.  What we do in our mind affects our body and what we do in our body affects our mind. We can not escape this and that is very good news. If we want to feel better we can use the mind and we can use the body in particular ways to increase our well being.

It is hard wired. It is automatic. If we are feeling wonderful we think better thoughts. If we think better thoughts we feel wonderful. It is a two way street. Thought affects feeling and feeling affects thought. Mind affects the body and body affects the mind. That is the way it is!

It is simple. When we want to  feel better we move our body in particular ways. We shift our physiology. For example, when we want to feel more confident we can stand, move and breath as we do when we are feeling confident.  We put our chin up, chest out and shoulders back. As we this we begin to feel more confidence because that is how we use our body when we feel that way. Try it and you will feel it.

Mind influences body and body influences the mind. It makes perfect sense that it would be this way. Our body and brains work together producing chemicals and hormones for each of the emotional states we experience. We can deliberately use our body to trigger whatever feelings we desire; happiness, relaxation, confidence, enthusiasm and more.  Whatever we want to feel we can.

A simple thing we can do to feel better is smile more frequently. Whenever we smile our brains release the hormone serotonin which makes us feel happy. When you are happy you smile so smile and you will be happy. Smiling can be a powerful tool to use more often.

Smile first thing in the morning when you get up. Put on a broad smile and hold it. Hold it for four or five minutes while getting ready. It will help you put yourself in a great mood for the day. Do it! Make it a habit. Others will respond more positively to you too when they see you smiling. It works wonders! Smile and be happy!” Rex Sikes

Put a smile on your face through out the day!

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