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Horizons resting-place-phil-koch

“How’d you like to wake up each day feeling fine? Would you like to make your day more delightful and productive? You can, you know. You can program yourself to have good days. If you make waking up wonderfully a habit, the rest of your day most likely will follow suit.

The easiest way is to create a positive morning ritual. In other posts I have shared many of the morning things you can do to get your day going right. In this post I’d like to elaborate on another. Are your ready to make a difference in your day?  Alright, then.

When you get up, when you arise in the morning, first thing, set your thoughts. Make a promise, a commitment to yourself. Set the direction for your day. I wake up and first thing I think, as I have shared before, are positive, wonderful thoughts. I think:

Fill Your Day With Good Thoughts  And Happy Moments

‘I love my life! I allow and accept and receive all the gifts the universe has for me! Something magical is going to happen for me today!’ That is my opening thought! ‘Yes, it’s great to be awake in this world! What exciting things will I discover today!’

This sets the frame for my day. Get it? I love that I have another day. Do I think the universe gifts me as some grandmother does? Heck, I don’t know, but if I find a penny I am thrilled. It is a gift. There are so many things around us that are gifts.

I want to discover and appreciate as many as I can. I want to celebrate these. Someone buys coffee, it is a gift. Someone smiles at me, it is a gift. I go into acceptance mode. I used to be in denial mode now I accept. Someone would pay me a compliment and I’s refuse it.

Why Life Offers Tough Moments Don’t Say – Why Me – Say – Try Me

I’d say, ‘it is nothing’. Thank them and sheepishly deflect it. Now, bring it! That is a gift. I allow myself to be open, as much as possible, to accept and label ALL things gifts. Some might be tough lessons. That’s okay it is a gift. Today is a gift!

I also like to gift the world and other people as much as possible through words and actions. At the end of the day I can look back and feel grateful for all the good and new, delightful gifts I discovered. I look forward to more tomorrow.  The day is a bookended.

It begins and ends with gratitude. In between is discovery and appreciation. I’ll share more next post on setting intentions. How you start the day tends to determine how the rest of it goes. If you want more good days begin at the beginning.

Attitude Is Everything – Attitude Determines Your Altitude

Start by remembering to make a positive declarations, as I pointed out above, first thing. Power up your first thoughts. It may take a while to actually make it your first thoughts but through daily practice and repetition you’ll get there. Step by step.

Some people don’t like getting up. You can bet their thoughts aren’t ‘Oh boy, this is exciting!’ This is why they need to make the change. While still in bed they need to adjust their thinking. You CAN do this. Anyone can learn. You absolutely can! So begin right away!

With daily practice you will soon overcome the inertia of old habits. The good news is we can learn and develop new ones that serve and support us much, much better. Begin this practice and in a short while it can transform not only your day but your life. Think positive and feel better. Be grateful and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Enjoy this day!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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