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“A good friend texted me stating he needed some reframes. He spent a trying day, more than 12 hours in the airport, attempting to get to L A, with delays and missed flights. A remarkable man himself I sent him these words. These apply to all of us at anytime.

Learning patience can be a trying experience. As can learning to accept what is IS. Yet, what might you discover about yourself going through this difficult time? Are your thoughts supporting you and the situation or helping to undermine and frustrate you even more?

You decide which it is? Decide what needs to be done that will support you with who you are and who you want to be. Our thoughts about our situation contribute to how we feel. Are they lifting you higher and helping you feel better or not?

This Too Will Pass – But If It Didn’t – What Would You Do

Yes, it is difficult. Yes, the situation can be frustrating. That is what is. How you respond determines how you go through it. Are you contributing to suffering or feeling centered? Breath. Find your center. Take some deep breaths and let go. Allow it. Accept it.

You won’t change it being angry about it. That is as unlikely to change anything as yelling at the weather is for not being to our liking. Create a pause. Look inside and breath. What can you learn about yourself from this? Can you consider it a blessing in disguise?

If is is a blessing then what does it hold for you? Only you can determine that. There are two ways to view this. Positive or negative. Which feels better? Which gets you closer to the real you and the you you are evolving to be? It is your decision.

Inside Every Adversity Is The Seed Of Equivalent Opportunity

What are you focused on? Is it making you feel better or worse? Energy flows where your attention goes. Are you focused on what you want or what you don’t want? If you know what you don’t want then turn and focus on what you do want that makes you feel better.

Everything passes. Change is constant. This too will pass. BUT pretend for a moment it doesn’t. This would be your future forever. Is this what you want? Do you want these thoughts and feelings? Make them what you would want to live with forever. Your choice.

While I may have bias there is no correct answer. There is no correct behavior. There are choices and whichever you make those are your choices. Accept them. I choose based on what I want to create more of for myself, perhaps you may too. Meanwhile, peace and blessings!

Challenges Make Us Stronger – The Kite Rises Against The Wind

If you can find the silver lining you are ahead of the game. If you can find what there is to be grateful for, even inside a difficult situation, you are ahead of the game. Relax, breath, center, let go and feel grateful. What lessons can you learn? Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

How can you have a glorious day?

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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