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“What can you do when you get frustrated? Perhaps, you’re dealing with customer support that upsets you more than helps you; the kids are clamoring for your attention; you have deadlines; your career is going nowhere; or there are more bills than there is month.

There are some things you can do to bring yourself more calm and balance regardless of what is upsetting you. The first and most important thing you can do is breath. Take a deep breath! Then another, slowly, and then another after that. Breath deep. Slowly.

When people stress they tend to hold their breath. Stopping breathing puts us in survival mode as our body tries to resolve the physical difficulty and resume normal breathing. This struggle to return to normal compounds the stress and frustration.

Walk As If You Are Kissing The Ground With Your Feet

By holding our breath or limiting our breaths we actually make everything more complex and difficult for us. SO BREATH, relax and let go. Get grounded. That means find your center of gravity. Get connected with earth. Think: electricity needs a ground.

All that power needs to be grounded. You do too in order to maximize your power and not waste it fighting to survive. You need focused energy; not energy discharging in every direction. Breath from your belly not high in the chest . Your breath helps connect you.

Breath from your abdomen or your lower groin. Feel yourself planted on the ground; rooted in the earth. Imagine yourself sending out roots from your feet or from the base of your spine into the earth to ground you, to connect you with the firm earth.

Get Grounded – You Can Navigate The Stormiest Roads In Peace

Many people, when frustrated go to their head. Thinking accelerates and it is mostly negative. Usually it’s about what doesn’t work, why or how it doesn’t, who’s to blame or at fault and how everything sucks. It isn’t productive; it doesn’t solve problems. Go to your body.

It’s crappy thinking. It is stuck in the problem and people are stuck in their head. It as if spinning your wheels without contacting the ground. Lots of frivolous fast effort without any traction won’t get you anywhere. Get grounded. Seek balance. Pause. Create a gap.

People begin thinking faster, frivolous, negative thoughts. Meanwhile, they are getting hot under the collar and more stressed out. They don’t pay attention to what’s going on in their body except to notice the discomfort. Their focus is on what is wrong.

You need to stop this destructive cycle. It is an old conditioned reaction to ‘what’s wrong’. You go through it every time and you will continue to until you learn to change it. You need to stop it being a problem. You need to learn a new, better way to do things.

The way you stop is to change your focus. You put your attention elsewhere. Anywhere other than on the problem. The easiest and best place to put it is on your body and your breath. Breath and let go. Breath and center yourself. Breath and relax. Purposefully, relax.

Pause And Remember – Stop And Reflect – Breath And Let Go

If you take good deep breaths that will help you to begin relaxing. Then you need to do the rest. You need to get present. Stop thinking the crappy thoughts. Notice your breathing. Notice where in your body it feels the best NOT THE WORST! Attention ON The BEST!

Look around, notice the world. Stop and see it. Look with curiosity. Listen. Shut up on the inside and listen to what is present. What is going on right NOW around you? What is happening that you would miss if you didn’t put your focus on it? NOW FOCUS ON IT!

Notice how you feel;  your feet on the ground or your butt in the chair. Notice the breath coming in and going out. Notice the relaxing occurring as you breath. Stop thinking and just be. Take a moment to return some balance to your life. Breath and let go. Relax.

Pause – Become Aware Of A Silent Sense Of Presence

When you are ready, shift your thoughts to the positive. Think happy, positive thoughts. Focus on gratitude, something, anything, that makes you smile and feel better. Take your time. Settle down and now think nice positive happy thoughts. Visualize yourself calm.

Real thoughts not fluffy thoughts. Imagine how good it feels to relax and let go and how you are able to do that. Be thankful for being able to relax and change what is going on. Pat yourself on the back for getting more centered. Think about what is good in your life. Savor.

Enjoy and savor the thoughts and the feelings. If, whatever you were doing can wait, then take a walk. Enjoy moving and looking around. If possible go outside, enjoy nature. If not move around a bit OR sit and reflect, meditate and find peace.  Later, you can problem solve.

Create A Gap Between Chaos And Calm – Notice Your Breath

There is a trick to problem solving. You are a better solver of problems when creative. You are more creative when you are relaxed and refreshed. When you are playful and enjoying life you are better than when stressed and burdened and preoccupied.

In order to more efficiently solve problems put yourself into the right frame of mind and emotional state of well-being. Then your time spent and problem solving will be fruitful. Learn self control and the ability to manage your mood. It is a valuable skill. Use it.

Train yourself to become aware when you get agitated. Notice yourself moving into less than glorious feelings; notice the acceleration of negative thinking. Notice you are focused on what you do not want and your body is becoming stressed. Change it.

Release The Unwanted – Focus On The Wanted – Stay Centered

Learn to recognize the negativity and what it is doing to your body and then shift from chaos to calm. It gets easier the more you do it. You’ll notice yourself getting frustrated earlier on and change it quicker and quicker. You’ll develop the habit of becoming grounded.

Transform your life. Change your thoughts and everything can change. Be grateful, have fun, let go and breath. Learn to meditate. Take time each morning to center and ground yourself before you go about your day. This is an excellent way to start each day!

Practice becomming centered when you don’t need it. Then it will be available to you when you do. Whenever stressed, center yourself. Create a pause. Take a break. Create balance and then celebrate. Be grateful. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Make it magnificent today!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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