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“Difficulty comes in all sizes. Right now, whatever you are going through may seem immense. You may not know how you will ever resolve it. You might not be able to imagine how you will ever get through this. You may be deeply troubled or just have minor issues.

Regardless of the severity, it has been said, and time has demonstrated, that one day you may look back on your troubles and laugh. That’s right you may laugh looking back because now, from the other side of the trouble, you see the folly of your ways.

You see what you couldn’t see. You may discover it now as an opportunity which led you to a better place, a happier and more successful place. I meet people daily who say, ‘if that terrible thing hadn’t happened I wouldn’t be as happier or successful today!’

You Can Connect The Dots Easily Looking Back In Time

SO if you are going to look back and laugh some day, why wait? If you lighten up now, and not take yourself and situations so seriously, you can brighten your mindset and lighten your load. It is true. If you  learn to laugh now it takes the edge off everything! It really does!

Laughter is transformative physically, mentally and spiritually. A sense of humor is one of the best things you can develop for your health and for healthy emotions. It helps you end bitterness and to stop being cynical. It relieves you of judgement and being critical.

When you can look on the lighter side, find humor in what you are going through, you can find the silver lining you otherwise miss. We lose out on too many wonderful blessings and opportunities by being too serious. Lighten up and everything changes. Transform!

Looking Back Positively You Can See What Brought You To Now

Don’t be frivolous. Simply stop being so serious. Learn to laugh more. Start the day while in bed with smiles and laughter. A good five minutes of belly laughing can work wonders. Norman Cousins reported on the health benefits of laughter years ago. Try it. Do it!

Laughter relieves tension and helps you balance. It has a positive effect on your health in so many ways. Not only physical health but you may find yourself feeling lighter, more joyful, eager and anticipating good things. Watch funny movies. Laugh much more.

Smile more. Just lifting the corners of your lips and eyes works wonders. Look for smiles. Stop seeking frowns. Stop being a Debby or Donny Downer! Think about those times something made you laugh and you could not stop. Remember how fun that was?

If You Can Look Back And Laugh – Do It Now And Transform Now

Add good things into your life moment by moment. When trouble comes, stop, take some breaths and laugh for a few minutes. Make this a habit and you will discover yourself far more resourceful. This practice I call an ‘Errol Flynn’. I share how to do this in my programs.

Movie star Errol Flynn, and other 30′ and 40’s swashbuckling stars, when confronted with movie villains and sword fights, frequently laughed in the face of danger. They didn’t show worry or fear in the worst moments, but confidence, and the certainty, they’d prevail.

You can too! Practice doing ‘Errol Flynns’ every day when you don’t need it so you will make it a habit. Then you’ll use it when you do need it! I teach this in Mind Design™ and my other programs. Use it. Laugh more! Laugh and use ‘Errol Flynns’ to feel good, worry less and accomplish more. Use it to be happier, healthier and to enjoy greater success. Remember, if you are going to do it anyway one day, why wait?  DO IT TODAY! Do it RIGHT NOW. And celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

“My life changed the day I first met you which is quite funny as I was in the middle of Tony Robbins year-long Mastery University but nothing I found there ever compared to what I discovered with you and now, all these years later, Mind Design! You truly are the gift that goes on giving, our Rex xx🙏”  – Kathy Strong, Consultant, UK


Enroll In Mind Design™ Today! Click link for details! Join the many people who are already positively transforming their minds and creating their best lives ever! You can too. Get it?

ACT TODAY! Stop suffering! Transform yourself and start getting the results and the life you deserve! Enroll In Mind Design™ Today  Stop struggling! It can be easier. Learn to use your mind to get what you want!

Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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