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“Lots of terrible things going on in the world. According to some we are in the last days. Society appears to be falling apart. The weather is an issue. So many bad things happening all at once. Is there any chance we are at the end as we know it? Can we survive?

My son asked me if I thought the world was ending. I asked him if he did and why. He said, ‘yes, could be, with all the storms and fires and bad stuff happening in the world. There is so much bad going on.’ For some people, my son has a point.

I gently pointed out that while it seemed dire, we get news of bad events, daily, from a variety of media sources; news, music, movies, TV talk shows, gossip, social media, etc. We crane our necks at accidents, and are focused on disasters near and far. Aren’t we?

It All Depends Where You Focus Your Attention

Still, when it boils down to it, there are far more days of good weather, than bad weather. There are far more good events, than bad events happening in the world. There are far more good people, than bad, or most likely all the rest of us would already be dead.

All dictators and terrorists of the past are dead and gone. The current ones will be, too, someday. So no, I don’t think the world is ending. People think it is because that’s what they’re conditioned to believe. It’s all about perspective. It’s all about what fills our minds.

It’s all about who you listen to. Media is designed to part us with our dollars and to create a certain thinking citizenry. It is a form of mind control. It’s designed to distract and misinform. It’s all about painting the worst possible scenarios. That keeps us off balance, un-united.

You Get What You Focus On – What You Focus On Expands

Keep in mind, bad news sells. People invest hard earned savings buying headline news gossip rags at the supermarket checkout. It is a habit and a passion of people. If you are busy being worried, filled with fear and divided among yourselves, you will never be in charge.

If you spend your time arguing over the ‘truth’ or the ‘correct’ political choices, or ‘climate change’ or ‘race and gender, and citizenship issues’  you will never singularly be powerful enough to challenge the status quo. You will never unite with others.

Some issues do deserve some of our attention. We each and all should work together to right wrongs and help all people live better lives all around the world. We could stand to become less selfish and more accepting. We could be more generous and helpful. Still…

Focus On Good Habits You Want To Do Not Bad Habits You Don’t

Each of us must STOP drinking the negative ‘sugary drink’ and begin to realize life is what you make of it. If storms come, of any kind, if you are prepared and wise and smart about it, you will prevail. You can weather all storms of nature, economics, and war.

You will be triumphant in  your personal daily struggles if you learn to take charge of your thoughts, feelings and actions. If you decide to take charge of your life and be responsible for whatever is, then you can start creating what you want. Stop focusing on the crap.

Recognize the crap is there to help you determine what you want instead of the crap. Put your attention and focus and energy on what you want instead. Think and feel and work to bring about the good things you want for yourself and the world.  It’s up to each of us!

It Is Time To Wake Up

If you don’t take charge and control your thoughts and your life then you are already controlled by someone else. They may not have your best interests in their heart. So you need to be sure you are in charge. It’s the time to cut loose from bad news and become free.

Live full and free. Stop being afraid and instead, live the life you choose to live. Make the good things happen by your efforts. Be a victor not a victim! Do it. Make it how you want it to be. Stop fearing. Stop wishing. Stop waiting. Stop whining. Start doing!

Take charge and design a positive life that you want and that is good for everyone else too. Make you, your life, and your world better. Only you can do it. It is up to each one of us to do what we can. If you don’t, then you won’t and you’ll stay a victim.

No the world isn’t ending it is just beginning.

This made sense to him. I have a smart boy! Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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