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“When I began learning this stuff and even years later it sometimes seemed like I’d take a step forward and then a couple back. At times I’d get frustrated and get disenchanted. I looked at the circumstances and thought, ‘It’s not happening fast enough!’ Then I’d realize I was wallowing and needed to refocus. I realized I was off course.

I needed to get back on track and focus on my destination. Sometimes, correcting course saves the day! Sometimes, I felt worse. I criticized myself for going off. I shamed myself as though I should know and be better. I was always a little up and down. Eventually, through it all I learned something of great importance. ALL of it was the process. All is important.

The good times and the bad times were and ARE important. By going through them, becoming aware and moving forward OR by going through them and shaming myself I learned how to stop shaming and pay attention to the growing awareness. Get this. When deep downs came along, I was so much better able to handle them than ever before.


By going through all of it I was able to adjust and not lose myself or criticize myself. What would have thrown me off for a long time became, while challenging, an opportunity that allowed me to investigate areas I needed to look into, to become more flexible, persistent and move forward. I was learning through the hardship to shift, refocus and move on.

I learned never to quit but to bend instead of break. Good times were plentiful and minor moments became more delightful. All in all, life became so much more worth living! It always is but we forget sometimes. I did. I learned to take 100% responsibility for all the bad and the good. As a result, everything started getting better as a result. Understand?

Through troubled waters I learned to navigate troubled water. I learned to appreciate the tough times for what they were. Lessons and practice. I learned to appreciate the bad times and the good more. Thought, mindset and attitude always precedes action and results. We get good at whatever we practice. Hardship provides opportunity to get better.


So slowly at times, more quickly at others, I evolved myself and my life into more of what I wanted it to be. My first steps seemed to be to stop getting so much of what I didn’t want. I’d always been great at doing that. I created lots of troubles in my past. Now, I was learning and accepting that I could be great at getting what I wanted too.

I stopped focusing on what I didn’t want and my lapses and began focusing on what I did want and what I wanted to get better at. Let go of what isn’t working or is holding you back and emphasize and nurture that this is working. Out with the bad and old. In with the good and new. What an amazing change that brought about! You can do this too! More next time. Meanwhile, it is all about learning to be grateful for everything. So, Celebrate Everything!” Rex Sikes


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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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