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life is not hapening to you life is responding

“Often I write my blog in the early AM hours between 3 and 5. After completing my blog for today (yesterday) I decided I wanted to write on receiving. How we get things from the universe. Little things and big things. It occupied my attention.

We make room for all sorts of wonderful things when we live our life filled with gratitude. When we feel absolutely grateful for anything and everything we attract more of the same. We open ourselves up to enjoy more. BUT some of us aren’t good at receiving and so we miss out on the opportunities.

The key to getting what we attract is to be open to receiving it. Some people are good at giving but not so good at receiving and vice versa. I thought I would write about how it is important to be open to whatever the universe presents to you.

You might find a penny or some money on the street. If you do pick it up. Be grateful. Someone offers you something or offers to do something nice for you accept it. Instead of passing it up accept it as a gift. Consider it something special just for you. Enjoy it!

When you pick up the coin or accept the gift you are acknowledging that you are open to receive whatever is there for you. Small or large it doesn’t matter. It is a mindset. If you want more you not only should be a gracious giver but also a gracious receiver. I toyed with the idea for my blog and the went about my day.

A short while later I went to put something away and I found some money that I forgot that I had. Then I found a check I had considered lost.  In the afternoon a woman I was talking with suddenly offered me a chocolate. Out of the blue! She just want to give me a chocolate.

At first, I declined, my thought, ‘I really don’t need a piece of candy.’ BUT THEN inside my head I remembered and my inner voice got loud and said ‘RECEIVE IT This is exactly what you were going to write about’. SO I said ‘of course, thanks’ and enjoyed the candy. I was delighted, tickled this occurred. Synchronicity!

A little while later another woman I encountered while speaking with someone else, turned around to me and said, ‘would you like to try some pecans’. This time I immediately said ‘OF COURSE, thank you!’ I was excited. I was getting free candy and food gifts.

Later on in the evening I was asked if I would like to take home about 70 dollars worth of salads and deserts. Again, this came out of the blue and again was absolutely free. My day was made up of finding money and being gifted with food. Why? I don’t know but I am enjoying it all.

I don’t like to look for signs but when they present themselves I can go along and enjoy it. I had fun and was delighted today receiving from others. Most importantly, I can’t help giggle inside when I think I had been considering writing a piece on just this sort of thing happening. And so I have!

The universe does provide. I think it is a matter of like attracts like. Birds of a feather flocking together. Somehow you just radiate or vibrate and others of a same or similar vibration  respond to it. It happens more than we are aware of.

Our attention gets tuned to it in the same way as when we notice all the other cars on the road like our brand new vehicle.  You’ve had that experience I am sure. As we turn our attention to gratitude and to receiving our subconscious alerts us to more opportunities.

I had another delightful day I hope you did too! Open up to all that we can be open to and receive it. Be thankful and receive it! There is more than enough for everyone all the time. Realize you deserve to be gifted and enjoy it!” Rex Sikes

Celebrate another fabulous day!

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