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“Why do most people quit? What makes them quit pursuing their goals and dreams? Somehow, they let a thought stop them. A mental packet of energy. A thought or thoughts that run counter to what they want is enough to prevent them from getting their goals.

Wow! Consider that. A thought stops them! Not any physical giant. Not an army. Not anything in the real world. Most people are stopped by a thought, a worry, or a fear. They don’t think they can succeed. They doubt. So they give up. I mean, really? They quit.

If a thought is that powerful it makes sense then to cultivate positive, powerful thoughts that see you through, doesn’t it? It would be desirable to make oneself unstoppable and invincible. Create the thoughts that propel you forward into your future. Make it happen.

If You Think You Can Or You Think You Can’t You Are Right

Right? If you can let a thought stop you, you can let one help you. This is called good taste. Good judgement. This is called being wise and acting in one’s own best interest. If you don’t think you can, that IS being stopped by a thought. Change it! Switch to the positive.

Things are always much more possible than you think them to be. Get out of your own way. Create the affirmations and positive declarations. Repeat them with strong emotion until you believe them. It will work! You just have to do it. Fill yourself with gratitude.

Appreciate yourself. Appreciate everything about your life. Be thankful and express it. Think it and speak it. Feel it fully. Start loving your life and approving of yourself. Enjoy and delight. Have fun. Smile more. Love more. Feel thrilled. Feel eager. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Great Things Are Coming!!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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