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“In a recent post I paraphrased an important concept from author James Allen ‘As A Man Thinketh’ which was, our minds are like a garden. It can be wisely and intelligently cultivated, or it can be allowed to run wild. Either way, it will bring forth results.

If you plant corn you get corn. If you allow weeds to grow and choke the corn they will. If you plant corn you don’t get carrots. If you plant poison you get poison, not corn. If you plant positive seeds you get positive results. If you let negativity grow you get more negativity.

If you don’t plant specific seeds, if you do nothing but let it go, all on its own then other seeds, weeds, animals and birds, leaves and sticks, insects and others will get into your garden. It will possibly overgrow and do harm to your garden. Whatever is allowed to grow will grow!

If You Really Want To Do Something You Will Find A Way …

Negligence produces results albeit unintended ones. This is how many people live and run their brains and mind. They live with whatever shows up, whatever their conditioning is. They do little or nothing to change it or make it better. Oh yes,  they do complain.

If you want a beautiful garden, if you want to create your best life ever, you must make it happen. You must care for it. You must tend to it. Eliminate the weeds and debris and nurture and promote that which you want to grow. You can’t ignore it into better health.

Seeds produce more. Seeds produce bountiful harvests which result in more seeds. One apple seed may produce 100s or 1000s of apples which may produce millions of more seeds. Positivity produces much more positivity. Negativity produces more negativity!

If You Don’t You Will Find An Excuse – Whatever You Feed Grows

You have to determine which it is you want to grow. Determine the results you want and tend to your garden. Manage the thinking, promote the positive. Whatever you give preferential treatment will multiple. Whatever your predominant thoughts are produce results.

If you aren’t getting the results you want you have some garden management to take care of. You will need to eliminate, drop, let go of, release, weed out the negative and plant, nurture and tend to the positive seeds. Whatever you focus on expands. It works this way.

You can fight it or learn to work with it. If you want to create your best life ever there are things you can do. If you do nothing it is unlikely it will ever happen. If you are primarily negative and operate from excuses and blames, you probably just ought to forget it.

You Are Either Growing And Expanding Or Shrinking And Dying

If it is to be it will be up to how you think, feel and what you do OR don’t do. Get it? If you can’t do it alone get guidance. Get a mentor or coach who can help you. Heck, people get tour guides to help learn the way, so should you. The point is if you don’t take care of this it will grow as it is on its own. If you don’t like your circumstances or results then you need to make some changes. Get it? Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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