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“You’ve gone through some tough times. Tough times are made tough by what we see, hear and think. They are also tough because of what we don’t see, hear and think. We focus on some aspects while entirely missing other aspects.

What we miss could be critical to our success. What we aren’t thinking about or considering MAY be the key to everything else. Yet, we miss it because of where we put our attention. You’ve heard it said, ‘energy flows where attention goes’. It does work that way.

Napoleon Hill had this to say. ‘Every adversity carries with it the seed of an equivalent or greater benefit. Pain, failure, setbacks, defeats, losses – misfortunes we must all suffer – are simply part of the human condition. No one wins all the time.’

Difficult Roads Often Lead To Beautiful Destinations

‘Those who succeed are those who do not let adversity stop them. They persevere. They view hardships as tests that permit them to build their strength to even greater dimensions and carry on. Remember this critical point:

Defeat is never the same as failure unless it has been accepted as such.’  I think it is important to embody this quote and take it to heart. Commit it to memory. Persevere. Build your strength to greater dimensions. Carry on. Don’t accept failure. Keep going.

Learn from the lessons. Learn to look for the seed of equivalent or greater benefit in all hardship and difficulty. Don’t miss it! Too many people do. While focused on the problems they miss everything else that could be a solution or opportunity. They focus on the negative.

It Is All In How You Look At It – Believing Is Seeing

Learn to recognize opportunity and benefit even while in the midst of the storm. Problems can be blessings if you view them as such. Consider them opportunities to learn and practice new things. Consider them challenges to test your strength. Accept the tests!

As you do these things you learn how to control your mind and manage your thoughts and feelings. Don’t give up because your feelings are hurt. Don’t quit because you think lousy thoughts. Seek to excel. Find the best and adhere to that. Keep moving forward!

Develop you will and your initiative. Stop making excuses and blaming others or circumstances. If you don’t like the circumstances change your response.  In fact, change circumstances to serve you. Exercise your will. Make things happen. Be courageous and be bold.

Tough Times Don’t Last Tough People Do

Be positive and move forward. Find the good in everything and be glad. Be happy and be grateful. Collect the wins and feel successful. Success breeds success. Happiness  attracts more happiness. Gratitude opens the door for so much more. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Delight in this day deliberately.

Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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