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“It is true.  If you keep doing what you have been doing to get results you don’t want or intend,  nothing will change. Everything will continue to remain the same, until YOU do change. Once you change and begin doing things differently, YOU can break the old cycle.

Then you can begin getting new, positive, intended results. However, it will not  happen unless you make it different. It’s 100% up to each individual. It’s not up to anyone else, someone else, or the government. It’s up to each of us. It’s completely, and only up to you!

It is solely and completely up to us to act in a peaceful and positive way if we wish to create peace and positivity. It is up to each of use to act in a happy and successful way if we wish to create happiness and success. Whatever we want, we think and act to make it happen.

You Are Today Where Your Thoughts Have Brought You

Might there be opposition. Of Course!! We might resist our very own changes. Others may make it difficult for us. Events and circumstances may turn sour and negative. Still, stick with your intended goals. Keep practicing positivity in the face of opposition.

Decide to make happen that which you want to happen. Let go of the blames, the past, the excuses and go for it! That is the only way. Think it will happen! I will make it happen no matter what. I will adjust as necessary. I will find or create the way. I can do this now!

Stop fostering what you do not want. Begin fostering, promoting, nurturing, and working for what you do want! Stop believing it is hard, you can’t or something will prevent you and START believing you can and will do it. You will be resourceful and follow through.

Tomorrow You Will Be Where Today’s Thoughts Take You

Make yourself entirely new. Putting new wine in old wine sacks isn’t the idea. Create something new. Be a progenitor. Become a positive, deliberate creator. Stop perpetuating the old, the limited, the negative, the unwanted and promote the positive, the new and good.

Find the blessings. Learn the lessons. Create the opportunities. Ask new and different positive questions that lead you to the positive, powerful thinking that assist you in going where you want to go. Direct your mind. Direct your feelings and actions.

Direct yourself into creating a new, positive reality for yourself and others. Only you can! Stop. Let go of the past and become completely transformed. Step by step. Bit by bit. If you begin it and keep moving forward you will eventually get there. Be grateful you can pursue it. Be thankful for all. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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