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“Research points out we only see what we believe. We filter reality based on our beliefs, values, memories, experiences, neurological filters and hardwiring. We operate from unconscious dispositions, expectations and assumptions. We create our reality.

Any excuse you make is a reason why something isn’t the way you want it to be or why it hasn’t happened. It may be a blame as you accuse someone, even yourself, or something else for it not working out. It is a deflection from the actual cause of your disappointment.

Every reason you provide is a belief you believe is the cause. It may be, ‘I was born into a bad family.’ ‘My parents didn’t care.’ ‘I am not smart enough.’ ‘Money is hard to come by.’ Others are lucky but I am not.’ The government prevents me.’ ‘I don’t know how.’ Get it?

You Are Today Where Your Thoughts Have Brought You

Whatever the excuse or the reason for your lack of happiness, success, debt, relationship issues and more are beliefs you think cause your issues. They are affirmations. These limiting thoughts are declarative statements and stories you tell that keep you stuck.

You affirm repeatedly why you aren’t making it happen. You live as a victim, not as a victor. Beliefs and thoughts aren’t real. They’re affirmations you believe because you repeatedly tell yourself they’re meaningful. They aren’t. Stop it! But you think they are. Stop it!

Beliefs either serve you or they don’t. If you’re stuck and not living the life you want, you need to change your limiting beliefs into beliefs that move you forward and help you get what you want. You can be, do and have nearly anything when you do. You have to start.

Tomorrow You’ll Be Where Today’s Thoughts Take You

Stop living from repeated stories, beliefs and affirmations of woe. Stop living less than you can. You need to start living from a place of power and joy not from worn-out excuses and blames. You can choose what you believe. You may not believe that, but you can!

I show you how to change your beliefs and transform your life in my book Life On Your Terms: Live The Life You Want which you can get and read. My programs are devoted to your transformation and helping you succeed in every way. AND RIGHT HERE in my daily blog. BUT nothing changes until you change it! Stop making excuses. Begin to take charge of your life. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


“As one of the ‘Top 25 Network Marketers in World’ and also a recovering alcoholic with over 30 years sobriety, I am constantly asked to review and read books on personal development either in business or recovery. Most of them are just like the last one I read. Nothing ever seems new or too useful. And then came Life On Your Terms by Rex Sikes. From the first page, I knew this book would be different and better. And the more I read the more right I was. Read this book. It will change your life. Even if your life is great, like mine is today, it will make it even better. I have so many people reading it, from my son to my AA friends to my business associates, because it works for everyone. I LOVE THIS BOOK!” – Tom Chenault, The Tom Chenault Radio Show 


©2020 Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2019 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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