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“Are you keeping a gratitude journal? Are you writing in it daily? If you answered yes to both, congratulate yourself. You have another reason to be grateful. If you said no, then NOW is the time to begin. I won’t ask why.  Reasons and excuses don’t matter. Just do it.

Gratitude expands your ability to see opportunity. It helps you create and attract good things into your life. When you appreciate what IS and what you already have, you make room for more good to come. You transform yourself through the practice of gratitude.

To see everything as a blessing comes with practice. Tough times, pain, sadness, loss are blessings too. Most of us never view them this way, but they are. Instead, we are conditioned to see problems and difficulty. When you can see these as blessings, all is transformed.

Life Is A Priceless Gift – Appreciate Very Minute Of It 

You are free! You are open and available. You no longer resist. You aren’t married to having the outcome according to your dictate. You allow. You accept. You can receive all the magic and miracles because you aren’t trying to manage the flow. You are going with it.

When you go with the flow, expressing gratitude for everything all along the way, you ARE enjoying the journey. That’s what life is all about! Living fully, enjoying now. Delight in the journey! NOW is the only time we actually have. Become present! Live in gratitude.

Transform yourself. Keep a journal. Make a list. Write down 5, 10, 25 things you are grateful for each day. Express your thankfulness and you open up to so much more to come your way!Really,  write them down. When you do you’ll discover much more to appreciate. Live in unconditional acceptance and love. Delight in all. Have fun. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Celebrate no matter what!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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