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“There is no failure until you give up. Giving up makes it absolute. If you don’t give up it is only a setback, maybe a large one but it is only temporary as long as you don’t cave in.

Think of failure as useful feedback that something isn’t working and it is time for you to positively adjust your plan. There is nothing wrong with that. Feedback is what we need to move forward if we are off course. Failure is only temporary so hang in there.  

You don’t give up your goal, you adjust your plan positively to keep moving toward your goal. You may only need to take baby steps to course correct  when you get feedback.  So move yourself inch by inch back on course.

Only rarely does one  have to yank the wheel of the car to navigate successfully.  Large, sudden adjustments may be necessary once in awhile but not as a rule.  As you drive you makes constant adjustments from right to left to stay in the middle of the lane moving forward. You are always adjusting back to center to keep moving straight forward.

Remember the saying, “Quitters never win and Winners never Quit”.

Don’t give up. Adjust and keep moving forward. You will make it just keep going! ” Rex Sikes

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