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“Flexibility is a key in being able to make beneficial changes more easily. Unfortunately, most people are stuck living as automatons. They live day to day on autopilot. They spend time in the same places with the same people. They go to the same jobs, eat the same foods in the same places, engage in the same recreational activities with little variety to spice things up. We are creatures of habit.

Our brains create novelty and stimulation. Our brains like challenges and look for solutions. Novelty is another major key to positive change and benefit. Give your brain new things to do and new ways to do things and it will love you. Learn something new. Memorize something. Learn a new language. Do something different. Provide your brain with the stimulation it craves, and you will feel better off.

Take a different way to school or work. Try different foods. Eat in new places with new people. Expand your horizons. Spend time around new and different people. Take a class or two somewhere. If your first instinct is to say ‘nah, not for me’, then you must. That’s an indication sameness rules you. Give it a shot. Who knows you might just like it. Roll down a hill. Spin like a whirling dervish.

Dance with abandon. Skip, walk and enjoy new territory. You see different things., You hear, feel and smell different things when you explore new territories. You wake up when you use your brain and body differently. Shake it up. Be flexible and add novelty. Sleep with your head at the foot of the bed. Try a different cleansing order when bathing. Brush your teeth and eat your food using the other hand.

It will seem difficult or odd at first and that is the point. It’s unfamiliar and you want to add in the unfamiliar. Challenge yourself. Dress in a different order. Wear clothes that ‘just aren’t you’. Put together some puzzles, try crossword, sudoku or other games. Take up some new hobbies. Read different books. Try listening to different music. Watch movies or TV shows you wouldn’t ordinarily.

Try some new sports or recreation. Keep learning. Keep Growing! Keep doing new things. Add novelty into your daily life. Mix it up and have fun. It will help you to stay sharp and live well. It’s good for the brain. You continue to evolve yourself. Your brain enjoys challenges as much as it likes consistency. Enjoy discovering new things you can do that help you stay young, mentally and physically fit.

Learn To Live And Celebrate Life On Your Terms: Create The Life You Want

You’ll think and feel better overall. You’ll be healthier in all areas. Stop doing everything the old way. Break up your routines and explore some new ways to enjoy yourself! It will help you make other positive changes more easily. I share more ideas in my book ‘Life On Your Terms.’ Celebrate everything!”  Rex Sikes


If you’d like valuable help to live Life On Your Terms: Create The Life You Want get your copy today!  It is a life changer! Book and Bonus!

“Rex, I love your book! I just want to say thank you for who you are and how you are showing up and particularly for ‘Life On Your Terms.’ It is a powerful book that impacted me and people I have shared it with. They call me and say, ‘thank you!’ And I say, ‘thank Rex because he is a bad dude up in here, up in here.” Les Brown – Speaker

“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author

“One of the most transformative books I’ve ever read. This book is amazing! Rex provides a blueprint of simple tools that anyone can use to achieve what you desire. There are so many books out that claim to show you how to create the life you desire but end up being disappointing. This book actually does what it says. No frills. No New Age jargon. Just down-to-earth methods that work when you work them. It really is a breath of fresh air!” Ron Matthews

Get the book. Change your life using the principles and practices. Check it out now. Read it, enjoy it, and transform. Transform yourself and how you think, feel and behave to get Celebrate!

“A real life changer for me. Life on Your Terms is a must read! Rex has a way of writing his story so you feel you’re actually right there with him! I love his comeback story! I am changing my thinking and putting into practice what I’ve read. I see amazing and miraculous things already happening in my life as I follow his instructions! I bought this book first for my Kindle because I can read it anywhere but quickly realized I needed a hard copy to put in my Library! Thanks, Rex, for helping me change my life!” Katherine Young

“‘Life On Your Terms: Create The Life You Want’ provides practical advice that you can use today to transform your life with increasing success and abundance.” John Gray – Author

“A must read if you want to improve your life. This book will teach you how to control and direct your thoughts to live the life you’ve been dreaming of.”  Chris Guajardo



Ponsi Swett, Wellness Specialist

©2020 Book Cover Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

@2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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