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be happy with what u have whle working for what u want

“What can you put your attention on today that delights you and causes you to celebrate? Hmmmmm.

Won’t you take a moment to look for and find those small, seemingly insignificant, moments that put a smile on your face?

What wonderful things might you discover if you were to relax and search, in a positive way, for the many good things you appreciate in your life?

Could you look to the people who surround you, the things you have, what you have done and are able to do that make you happy?

Imagine what it would be like to feel grateful more of the time.

How would you like it if you were filled with much more gratitude and appreciation each day? Can you imagine how much better this would feel?

Do you suppose you could  take a few moments each day to count your blessings and to spend a few moments feeling grateful?

Would you be willing to make it a point to count your blessings? Take an inventory.

Couldn’t you begin by spending only a little while each day to review and validate what makes you feel happy and fulfilled?

Because if you will you will get back much more in return.

i am thankful for all my blessings

As you collect and validate these special moments savor the feelings that accompany each.  When you do this you will open up the ways and the means to find more good feelings. You will begin to feel more marvelous.

You don’t know how much more wonderful your life may be until you actually try it.

Your life c an become even more incredible when you do little things that make a significant difference. You did know that, right?

It doesn’t take much to make great improvements but it does take something. It requires that you bring your attention to some positive things, at least for a little while, each day.

You could do this, could you not, if it meant your life would improve? Wouldn’t you, at least want, to?

Here is something that can make an amazing difference for you.

Each day, find at least 25 things you are grateful for and think about them and write them down before you go to sleep. Make a list, focus on these and enjoy them. Yes, count your blessings? Focus on these.

As you do will find other positive things begin to come into your mind. You know the saying ‘Seek and you shall find.’

I have suggested this to people in my seminars and workshops and writings for over 30 years and almost without fail many have said at first , ‘WHAT 25 things!!!’ They seem to think this may be impossible.

After a few days during my training programs participants would come to me and ask, ‘can we write down more if we think of them?’ OF COURSE YOU CAN. That is the point!

Some days you will be grateful for the same things as yesterday. Other days new one’s will pop into your head. Whatever you come up with that you are thankful for put down on your list.

Your capacity to discover and enjoy increases with exercise. Your attention and ability to focus improve  and increase as you use them.

Once you begin looking you will find much more. What seems to be ‘too many ‘ at first becomes a small amount shortly because you open up to finding good things and wonderful things. Just like my students you can do more than ‘just 25’! Enjoy this, because I know you will!

As you  find more to appreciate you begin to feel better and your life begins to change. Something so simple can have great power. It is amazing!  Wouldn’t you like to experience more of this for yourself?


It is one thing to read about it or be told about it. It is quite another thing to do it. You can get results that astound you but only when you actually do what I am describing.

In recent years some people have taken a 100 day challenge to find some things to be grateful for. This is marvelous because whenever you engage in an activity over and over again through time you may develop a habit.

This is especially valuable  WHEN you do this TO develop a positive habit for yourself. 100 days of emphasizing what you appreciate in your life is a fantastic start.

You can’t yet know how your life will change when you do this, but could you begin to see, begin to imagine how different you may feel if you did decide to carry out this program?

What if you were to reflect on these positive moments before you go to bed and whenever you are able to through out each day? What do you suppose that would be like?

So stop, and consider for a moment how your life will improve when you build a collection of things you feel really grateful for and positive about.  Imagine how it can be different. That would be worth doing wouldn’t it?

All you have to do is think about 25 things you feel grateful for prior to going to sleep. Write them down, make that list, think about these.

I mentioned in a previous post that your energy flows where your attention goes.

This is important to remember. What you focus on, what you pay attention to and accentuate actually enlarges and expands. It gets bigger or more prominent. It becomes a larger part of us. We spend more time with it.

When you focus your attention on appreciation and gratitude your energy concentrates there, and you get back more of the same. Your ability to find things to appreciate increases AS does your ability to appreciate increase. You begin to feel more grateful and more wonderful more of the time. Isn’t that something you would like?

Do you realize how much more enjoyable life would be if the bulk of your time was spent delighting in things you appreciate and value? If most of your thoughts were along these lines, positive, happy, and grateful wouldn’t you like it that much more?

your mind is a garden grow flowers or weeds

Consider how your life may improve as you do this.

Can you image what it can be like to live in gratitude?

Can you imagine how incredible it might be for you to feel more wonderful and delighted each and every day?

How many wonderful feelings could you discover as you look for those moments, those people, those things, those abilities, those events in your life that you are feel really thankful for?

When you make it a point, and a habit, to fill you day with more inspiration and gratitude you will discover more happy, joyous, wonderful moments each day.

Wouldn’t this be a good thing?

Start today! Before you go to sleep make a list, it doesn’t matter what is on it, the only thing that matters is that you feel thankful for it. Large or small write it down.

Find at least 25 things you feel grateful for. Reflect on these and then go to sleep. Do it again tomorrow and the next day and the day and after that. Yes, you can continue for more than 100 days, because I know you are going to want to.

It is really, actually, quite simple to do something this easy. Keep at it.

Don’t delay.  Begin today!” Rex Sikes

Have a fabulous fun filled day!

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