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“Happiness and success are a matter of habit. You are happy and successful by choice. You choose to be happy, or you don’t choose. The same is true of success. It’s also true of failure and defeat. Either you choose to be happy and successful, or you don’t. Either you choose to create positive habits that support you and uplift you or they don’t. The results you get are up to you. Most people don’t choose.

There are those who will tell you it’s not your fault. Well, it isn’t BUT it is your choice. There’s plenty of blame to go around. This isn’t about blaming yourself if you don’t do something. Instead, it’s about accepting responsibility. If you don’t get the results you go after it isn’t about blame. You just haven’t got them yet. The Wright Brothers never failed although scores of people would say they had.

This is about claiming your power to make a difference in your life. If it doesn’t work out that isn’t a reason to blame. You choose but things worked out differently for the time being. Instead of blaming, choose to use the feedback, adjust and carry on. Don’t cry or be a blame baby. Be a champion. Be a victor. You decided. You acted. You did something. Most don’t. Pat yourself on the back for trying.


Realize you get whatever you think about most. You get back whatever you do most. If in the meantime you didn’t get the results YET, that is feedback for something. Use the feedback and make changes and proceed. Don’t throw in the towel. Keep going and you’ll develop stronger mental and action habits. You need to develop the right habits to get what you want. The good news is you can.

You can’t succeed easily if you’ve the habit of defeated thinking and feeling. You won’t succeed if you don’t have the habit of deciding to act and follow through. If your habits don’t support you, YOU MUST develop new habits to replace the ones you were conditioned to during childhood. Change them from ones that don’t serve you well to those that do. Decide what you’d rather be instead.

Decide what would be better to do and do it. You rarely get what you want if you’re not in charge of your own thinking. You might get lucky occasionally but most often you won’t. People who are born into it or who happen to succeed too quickly don’t learn what to do if things stop working as they were. They didn’t learn to be happy or successful. They lucked into it. Understand this.


It’s nothing to envy. When things change, they don’t know what to do. They don’t have a positive, strong habit base to rely on. They’re left without a program. It’s like being lost without a GPS. They’re more like a bottle bobbing in the water. They. Sometimes things work out. Sometimes they don’t. You don’t want that for yourself, do you? Wouldn’t you rather pilot yourself to where you want to go?

The only way to ensure that kind of consistent result is to put yourself in charge and take 100% responsibility for everything that happens, good or bad. You may not like this idea but once you completely accept the notion, you’ll begin to discover true power. When you stop putting the causes for your success or failure outside of yourself you stop blaming. You adjust to make things better.

There are outside influences on you but you’re the one who decides how you will respond. Either a person reacts without thinking it through or you respond and do whatever is needed. The difference is a knee jerk reaction or a response from preparation. Circumstances are neutral. People decide. People judge and label them positive or negative. Most people are victims. They don’t know any better.


They let circumstances and events push them around. They are bottles drifting in the current. A true person of power rises above, responds as best one can to think and do what’s needed and can even celebrate during the greatest disasters and in the face of calamity. When you can be delighted and celebrate regardless of what is going on around you or to you, YOU’re not a fool. You’re not helpless.

You’re a victor because you don’t let things bring you down. Why is that? Because you know from deep within that you are divine. That everything that is, is divine. That it is all consciousness. You are aware that all of it is a gift to help you become who you truly are. Hardship is an opportunity for you as pressure and heat turn coal into diamonds. Everything is for your benefit. Understand this.

Because when you do you decide how to feel. You decide how you will speak about it. You will decide the actions to take. Because you are in charge. You are powerful and positive. You created successful thought, feeling and action habits. Even when you aren’t in charge of circumstances, events and others, you are in charge of you. That’s what you can oversee. This IS how you can make a difference. This is how you can adjust and continue. This is how you can celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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