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“Too often it happens that  people journey far. They leave the city to find peace and quiet, to reflect and meditate. They travel to the cave, the mountaintop, to learn to meditate peacefully. They may spend weeks or months there. Perhaps, even more. Meditating. Peaceful.

They return to the marketplace, their town or city. They have been with the guru. They are expert meditators. They do their yoga. They practice their devotion. They light their incense and inside they go. They go into their room, their temple. and go within for peace.

BUT when someone makes a noise they get upset. They exclaim, ‘Quiet! Respect others! Can you not see I am meditating?’ They get distracted. Their peace disturbed. The inner journey put on hold while they reprimand the noisemaker. Have you ever noticed this?

You Can Attempt To Change Others Or You Can Change Yourself

If others disturb your meditation you haven’t learned to meditate yet! If you had to escape to meditate you went nowhere. Meditation is a quality. The goal is to meditate surrounded by the noise and distractions. When able, you have gone inside. Get it?

Actual meditation cannot be disturbed. Your practice can be interrupted but the meditation goes on. You have found the peace that passes all understanding. The drop of water has returned to the ocean. You are filled with bliss and joy no matter what. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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