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What is reciprocity? Is is the practice of exchanging things with others for mutual benefit. You and I see it and experience it in action every single day. It works like this. I take you out for lunch and pay. You tell me, next time it is on you. You reciprocate the kindness.

I have a rule which says, Go First! If you want respect from others give them respect first. If you want to be listened to, be willing to and listen to them first. Whatever you want, offer it first, and because of the Law Of Reciprocity you are much more likely to get it back soon.

Get it? That is why people bring gifts to wine and dinner parties. They feel they should. That is why salespeople bring in doughnuts or why companies have candies or treats at trade shows. You take their gift you are more likely to listen or to purchase. It works. So use it.

Life Has  No Menu – You Get Served What You Deserve

Learn to make it work for you to get the good things you want by giving good things to others FIRST! It is the Law Of Attraction at work. Instant karma. What goes around comes around. Practice paying it forward and your world will change in delightful ways!

If you want acceptance and love from your family or friends then you must accept and love them first. The truth is reciprocity works in reverse too. If you resent and dislike others, harbor thoughts or feelings of ill-will, others are more likely to do likewise back to you.

This is important. You get what you  focus on. You get back what you put out there. Perhaps, you want to examine and check your attitude and thoughts about those people close to you. Make sure you are thinking and feeling your best about them. Give them your best.

Life Is A Boomerang – What You Give You Get In Return

You are more apt to gain their co-operation when you need it if you are a likable, lovable, accepting friend or family member. This works with strangers too. Be nice. Light up when you see someone. Compliment them genuinely and your day will become more grand!

Bless people! Bless your family and friends. Wish them well. Give first and you will get back. This is important, Give to Give not to get and your results will be much better. When you are genuine it works wonders. Love, bless, accept others. Be grateful and celebrate everything!’ Rex Sikes

Make it a magical day for you and yours!

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Photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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