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“Hardship helps us! It’s part of life. Some gripe and think life should be easier. They give up when the going gets rough. People get comfortable and lazy. They don’t stretch and grow. They become set in their ways, mentally, emotionally, physically. The brain while keeping you consistent craves novelty, challenge and growing opportunities. Use it or lose it is what Neuroplasticity is about. Use it well.

The brain grows. Ignore it and it atrophies. Life is a process and ever changing. Yet, people want to keep it comfortably fixed. They’d like to end upheavals and live without issue. Life just isn’t that way. Not only is life a process but you are a process. Your being is a living process. YOU are in the PROCESS of changing. You aren’t at the end yet. Everything changes. Good or not-so-good is your judgement.

Most want only good. They do anything to eliminate and avoid the not-so-good but the not-so-good serves a purpose. It gives us things to do. It challenges us. It requires us to examine ourselves and what’ going on. It forces us to be different as circumstances change. It makes us leave our comfort zone. Oh, how we hate it, but it’s a gift. It is an opportunity for so many things. It is good for us.

Like bad tasting medicine. We could decide to think, feel, speak and act differently. few of us will because most will fall back into their default conditioning. They will live habitually as they have and react to the difficulty as they always do instead of transforming it. Instead of learning from it and understanding their role in it they’ll fight it, complain about it and blame. This doesn’t help much.

When we get to the end of our rope. When we run into our old programming and finally discover it is not adequate to navigate the difficulty, is when we can stop perpetuating the old, release it and begin to explore new ways to think, feel and be. There’s a price to pay for everything. The price for transformation is being forged through pressure and heat as coal is to become diamonds. As steel is.

You must endure and be strong. This is why mindset is important. Weak thinking leads to the same old poor results. When troubles come along instead of first resisting and setting up more conflict, decide to attempt to welcome it. Yes, welcome it. Take it as an important love letter from a trusted friend. Attempt to discover what you can learn about yourself, what you must learn to transform. Investigate.

Instead of complaining and blaming, accept responsibility for it whether that is an honest, accurate assessment or not. Think, this is happening for me. I brought it to me to learn and to change and to grow and to be better off. Accept it and be grateful. Some will say they can’t do this. Others do it because they’ve learned to. You can too. Whatever is worth learning may seem difficult at first.

However, the more you do the more you can do. You can acquire new positive habits that serve you better than the previous conditioning you got while growing up. Then you didn’t have a choice. Now, you can choose how you want it. Imagine these circumstances are there for your ultimate good. You will learn and grow as a result. You don’t know what the good is, but you know it’s there for you.

Accept all. Celebrate it all. Appreciate all. Allow all even while you work to change it. When you release the old conditioning and your reactions you are more likely to intuitively discover the right thoughts, feelings and right actions that will bring about better results. If you celebrate all the journey while journeying the entire experience is better and more enjoyable. Explore. Adventure. Be grateful.

Elevate your thinking and feelings. Vibe high. Seek to rise above difficulty. You’re bigger than problems and issues. You must learn this. Discover the infinite possibilities, opportunities and resources within and around you. These events, these people, these circumstances that most don’t want are gifts of awareness and transformation when we understand them to be and appreciate them. Get this and you get so much. Think life is good and I always land on my feet. I don’t know what’ is here for me but I know ultimately it is here for my good. With the right attitude you can do anything. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


Have a wonderful day!

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“Rex Sikes’ book Life On Your Terms is brilliant! It offers cutting-edge tools that take  you to another level. It’s a practical manual with a fresh take on personal growth and  transformation that’s infused with love, wisdom, and some truly innovative ideas. I am reading it daily and it’s changing my life. Not only do I feel a shift in consciousness but I have been waking up happier. This book offers hope to anyone who has lost their way in life.“ – Lydia Cornell Actor ‘Too Close For Comfort

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Lydia Cornell, Actor

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