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Disney If You Can Dream It

“Each day is an opportunity to rock your world. How you begin your day can determine how the day goes, flows and ends. If you want it to end well you need it to begin well, at the very least. Here is how you begin having more great days and fewer struggles.

After your first waking thoughts of, ‘I love my life. I allow, accept and receive all the gifts the universe has for me. Something magical is going to happen for me today,’ or another positive variation, set an intention. Direct your mind to consider what you’d like to happen.

‘I allow, accept and receive all the gifts the universe has for me’ is an intention. The thought directs your mind and your behaviors for the day. It sets a framework for you to follow. Allow, accept, receive. You can be surprised by what shows up or you can look for it or both.

The Power Of Intention Is The Power To Manifest And To Create

Make a decision, a positive determination,  of what you want your day to be like.  When you wake up in the morning plan for a good day. Realize that your expectations help shape what you find during your day.  For example, ‘today I will behave in loving ways towards Sue’.

‘Today, I will look for the best in each person I meet.’ ‘Today, I will feel more peaceful at work.’ ‘I will discover times to have more fun and delight throughout the day’. You could even specify 3 times during the day, or any reasonable number you choose. It’s up to you.

‘I will focus my attention on what I want to accomplish.’ ‘I will take one small step toward making my dream come true’. Determine what this may be and commit to it. In other words, how do you intend to utilize your day to make good things happen?

The Mind Is The Matrix Of All Matter You Get What You Focus On

If you get up each day looking for smiles you will find more than if you get up looking for frowns. Get it? It sets the frame for the day. Could you still find frowns? Of course, but if you are looking for smiles, you have a better chance of finding them. Seek and find.

When you anticipate good things happening you are much more likely to have good things happen. If you think the best about people you are much more likely to encounter people at their best. Store and remember your wins. Cut and forget your losses.

Determine what you want the day to be like and go out and live it. You can set at least one intention for the day. You could set more. You could even set a new intention with each change in activity or location. I’ll explain it but I suggest you start easy and build up.

Let The Power Of Intention Lead The Way – Set Positive Intentions

‘I intend to go downstairs and enjoy my breakfast. I will drive safely to work and enjoy the ride no matter what traffic is like. I will enjoy my co-workers. I will make 5 new contacts during this day. I will talk to Pete at lunch and help him out.’ Don’t do these all at once.

You do each one prior to the activity or the location change. You set your intention before going into the new activity or area. You set the frame for how you want it to be. Get it? This has the added benefit of making you consciously think about what you want during that time.

It takes haphazard out of it. It gives you a focus. What do you want? As you head into the kitchen how do you want breakfast to go? As you get behind the wheel how do you want the drive to go? When you enter the work place how do you want your workday to go?

A Good Intention Clothes Itself With Power – You Make It Happen

What do you intend to make happen? It helps you aim your thoughts, feelings and behaviors deliberately instead of just going through the day. It is a means of directing your mind. It is a pursuit.  It is what you intend to do. You commit and follow though on it.  Stay positive!

‘I will find and write down 25 things to feel grateful for before going to bed tonight.’ Then do it. Make it a point to keep your word. Don’t break promises to yourself or anyone else. Keep your word to you! This is most important. Do it! Then feel proud and grateful.

Your life can transform incredibly when you add the power of intention to what you do. Your focus and your ability to get things done, make things happen, will improve. You will develop a great new supportive success habit that helps you feel marvelous. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Delight in your day!

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