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Here is a method for increasing our health and well being. We only have one mind and one body this go around,  at least, as far as we know. It makes sense to make the best use of our mind and body and to take as good care of it as possible. Imagine feeling better.

While mindfulness is a brand, the practice of meditation is of immense value. The benefits of meditation and positive thinking are worth making these a daily habit. Both of these have been shown to help us to live healthier in both mind and body. We get good results.

I enjoy sharing articles with you that can help you transform your life or at the very least help you gain a better understanding of topics and the need to create healthy daily routines and habits. Engaging in positive daily rituals will help you in many positive ways. Try it on!

Perception Is Everything – Change How And What You Perceive

The sub-header says it all, ‘How mental and physical health is affected by the way we perceive and relate to it’. Our mindset determines our mindset and our physical well-being. We cannot escape the affect of our thoughts and perceptions.

*Click to read article then use back button to return here. For some reason WP doesn’t allow me to open article in another internal window. Come back. Enjoy the rest, leave a comment or share!

CLICK here to read How The Mind Helps Heal The Body

It is cyclic too. Our health affects our thoughts. When you feel on top of the world you think better and clearer. Mind and body are part of the same cybernetic system. The are one, in reality, but we tend to divide them. We use mind and body to navigate the world.

A healthy mind and healthy body is obviously optimal. This is why it is important seek to improve both as best we are able. It does begin with our thinking. Maintaining a positive attitude is one of the best things you can do for yourself. So is maintaining a healthy body.

Whether You Think You Can Or You Think You Can’t You’re Right

Meditation is a practice that can help you do both. If you don’t or haven’t I suggest you give it a go. As with anything it takes time to master. Patience and persistence is required. Take it lightly and enjoy it. Practice gratitude too. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

If you haven’t seen my FB LIVE here it is: Study it. Take notes. Click Here To Watch Create Your Best Life With Rex Sikes

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MENTORING AND COACHING CANDIDATE, or those interested in learning more, join me when I go live Thursday!


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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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