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“Someone dear to you is troubled and needs help. How might you best help him or her? What positive thing can you do when you may not be able to do anything else? The person my ‘resist’ you, or may be far from your influence so what can you do for them and you?

Hold the person in positive esteem. Harbor no ill will. Think positive thoughts. Imagine them already as you want them to be. Hold this in your heart and mind. Shower the person with love. Forgive and let go of any resentment. Allow yourself to feel peace and love.

Treat the person you want to help as though that person has already made the changes you hope to see. See him as already what you want him to be. Hold a positive image and she can grow into that. If you think otherwise he will grow into that. You get back, remember?

The Greatest Good We Can Do For Others Is To Expect Their Best

You get what you put out. The Pygmalion Effect states people tend to become what you expect them to become. People rise to the level of the expectations set for them. Therefore expect the best, not the worst. Get it? Expect the positive and they can become this.

Be it in advance of becoming it. Think, talk, walk and behave as if you are already that which you want to be. Allow others to grow into your positive expectations by expecting the best of them. Imagine them already healed, cured, rich, loving, good, free, honest. Get it?

Plant the seed for the person to grow into. Nurture that seed. Love it. Help it grow. You cannot grow it. You can’t do for the person. You can only allow the person to become their best version. You can’t control them or change them. You can only keep the faith.

Respect Others – Love – Allow – Accept – Hold In High Esteem

So imagine the best. Allow them room to grow. All them room to make mistakes. Be grateful for them. Love them. Accept them no matter what. Surrender and give up trying to micromanage. It isn’t your job. It is god’s or the universe’s job. Let go. Feel grateful. Feel blessed. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch

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