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“Attitude is the number 1 predictor of success in all areas of your life according to research. With the correct attitude you can personally and professionally excel. The saying, ‘if it is to be, it’s up to me’ means it is up to you if it’s to come true. The responsibility for attitude and your behavior is all yours. Henry Ford said, ‘if you think you can or you think you can’t, you’re correct.’

SO, mindset and attitude matters AND it matters the most. Even more than the actions you take, because if your thinking and attitude are off, your actions will be too. To ask for a promotion be sure you deserve it. Go the extra mile. Demonstrate your value. Work better & longer than others. Be cheerful & friendly. Don’t grumble. Be a team player. Be supportive. Cooperate and collaborate.

Demonstrate you’ve what it takes. Be a leader. Go first. Don’t wait to be asked to do things. Don’t be a pest. Be helpful without creating more work for others. Be respectful to superiors, peers and subordinates. Be genuine. Be truthful and direct without causing hurt. Know your stuff. Do your job as best you can. Praise, encourage, edify and celebrate others accomplishments. BE NICE!


Think of it this way. What kind of person would you take on a remote location extended stay camping trip? Do you want someone who is easy to get along with, does their part without complaining, blaming or making excuses, who is friendly, good natured, helpful and fun? Or would you take someone who finds fault with everything and everyone? Simple choice, right? RIGHT?

When you decide you want to go for it, ask politely. Be genuine. Be polite and nice. Be honest. Do not act entitled, greedy or demanding. You aren’t delivering an ultimatum. Ask with confidence and enthusiasm. Be genuine or sincere. Demonstrate you are appreciative, flexible and are the right person for that promotion. Be professional and respectful. Why do you want it? If asked.

What would you say? If you want it to add value to all, help others and take on more responsibility because you are qualified and want to move up, great! People tend to say yes, given the right circumstances to people they like. Are you likable? If not, develop a pleasing personality. Develop yourself. Transform into the person who IS worth promoting. Get it?


You might be applying for a position with others more qualified than you. If they get it, celebrate. Resentment won’t help you. Whining or complaining won’t either. Take that as a message you have some work to do on yourself. Consider it a benevolent message to help make you ready for another move when you are. Stay positive and optimistic. Everything happens time.

Don’t feel rejected or disappointed. Expect better things to come along. When one door closes another opens but you’ll miss it if your attitude sucks. AND know this: you may work for yourself or not work at all. These qualities, the right attitude, will help you in all areas of life. No matter what you do. Keep it in mind. Want to have a better life? Be a more enjoyable person and enjoy life more! Get it? I hope you do. It begins with you. Go FIRST AND Celebrate Everything!” Rex Sikes

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If you want your life to change you must change things in your life. The first and most important update is changing your attitude! Your attitude is comprised of your beliefs and expectations. It’s those thoughts you repeatedly think that keep you the same OR that move you forward to greater and more wonderful results.


Get the Attitude Activator™ TODAY!

©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment LLC

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