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“How do you become alert to opportunities around you to advance your career and make your life more of what you want it to be? How do you stimulate your imagination? How can you direct your attention to discover what’s available you may have been missing? You don’t want to miss out, do you? Napoleon Hill had a precise method that works. It works wonderfully well.

It’s easy to do and will bring you great insight and reward. To benefit you must put it into practice. If you dedicate yourself to this method, it will work for you too. Hill stated, ‘I know that if I need my own mind to be opened up to receive opportunity, the best way in the world to open it up is to start looking around to see how many other people I can help.‘ What? you say. Stay with me now.

Magic can and will happen when you take the focus off yourself and your needs and begin to wonder how you can more fully benefit others. How so? You get out of your own way. You stop thinking in your old habitual ways about you, your life, your limitations and your resources. When you begin to get curious about how you can help other people you open new doors.


You aren’t thinking the same old ways because you are thinking about others. Get this! If you want your life to change you must change some things in your life. If you always do what you always did you will always get what you always got. You must be transformed by the renewing of your mind. You must shift your focus. You must start thinking in new and different ways. Get it?

Look at what others might need and what you can do to fulfill their needs. When you take the focus off yourself it opens your mind, your brain to travel in new directions. Guess what. You actually find ways to help. When you help others benefit, you open the door for those others to reciprocate. BUT you must do it with a clean heart, without seeking any compensation in return.

Because when you do it for THEM, it will come back to you. If you’re trying to get something by doing ‘them a favor’ they won’t be receptive to it. Why not? Because most people can innately tell if you are genuine. AND because your focus hasn’t shifted! It’s still on you and your needs. It’s only disguised by thinking you’re helping others when you are still only out for yourself. Nothing’s changed.


When you go the ‘extra mile’ for others, for no reason at all, they know it. They get it! They start feeling they want to return good to you. You attract back what you put out. When you seek to benefit others without return, they seek to benefit you in the same or similar manner. The Law of Reciprocity states people feel obliged to give back to others.

That can happen in the form of a behavior, gift or service they have first received. The Law of Attraction states what you put out returns to you. The Law of Vibration states everything is in motion. Harmonious frequencies sync up. Even the scriptures point out that we will be judged the same way we’ve judged others. Matthew 7:2 implies reciprocity is a norm or a rule. The Law of Cause and Effect means you should be the cause. Go First!

Act first. The cause ALWAYS precedes the effect. Shift your attention to others. Even if not everyone reciprocates, if some take your help and do nothing, you benefit from exercising your mind. You thought differently. You benefit by opening your heart and helping others in need. You shifted your focus to get out of your own way. Your imagination is piqued because you’re looking for needs to be filled. Win/Win!


It’s winning all the way around. You’ll win more with new awareness because sometimes you need to take a rest. Take a break and let go. You can get further faster if you’re not always pushing and trying to accelerate things. Balance is required. It is give and receive. Stop, release, Let go of the attention you have kept focused on yourself in the same old ways. To see and experience new things you must go and do new and different things.

Take a different route. Change your focus, attention, energy and efforts. Change it up to get change. Give to receive BUT always with a pure heart and intention and you’ll discover the magic. Your mind will open to possibilities, resources and opportunities you’ve not noticed. You’ll see and experience new things. Why? Because you aren’t thinking the same old way. Think differently. Focus differently. Get it? When you do, you’ll wake yourself up to the newness and goodness that always surrounds you. You’ll feel better too. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes


PS I’ve a lot more great ideas for living more fully and feeling fantastic in my book. Want to live and learn more enjoyably and easily? Get the book thousands are using to transform their lives! It’s filled with countless tips, suggestions, practices and principles PLUS MORE, to help you to live ‘LIFE ON YOUR TERMS: CREATE THE LIFE YOU WANT!’ 

Go to the website at the link and also get details for receiving an online bonus training valued at $497 for free!

“Rex distills and simplifies the wisdom of the ages in this easy to read book Life on Your Terms. It’s worth repeated and daily reading. I take it everywhere and have bought copies for friends. CELEBRATE EVERYTHING is the axiom that when practiced with deep genuine feeling and consistency can change your life immediately and permanently. I give it the highest most practical recommendation!” –  Paul G. Macfarlane, Brand Strategist

This book has so many layers to it, Rex pulls you through each chapter almost as if he were guiding you personally sitting next to you. It has so many wisdom nuggets! Make sure to have a journal and a highlighter! This book is for every season of your journey, as a new truth or revelation, to a confirmation! Must read! Must share with others!” – Sandy M. Archer Executive Producer, Host

“Life On Your Terms is SPOT-ON, Intentional and Direct! Life On Your Terms can become YOUR Roadmap to the Life YOU Want. Rex illustrates how to lead you to your full potential! This book is the must-have for you if you are ready to live your best life – on your terms! Thank you Rex Sikes, Thank you.” – Deborah Milotte, Health Advocate

“Rex is absolutely brilliant and transparent. My go-to book for those I mentor who want to be happy and successful with their lives as they choose.” – Fred Van Lieu ‘The Water Doctor,’ Author

It’s your good fortune. Get One For Yourself, And Some To Give Them Away!



©2021 Infographic Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

©2023 Blog Article Rex Steven Sikes & Rex Sikes Entertainment, LLC

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