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“Want some positive relief? Want to feel good today? There are things you can do. Claim control over your own mental attitude. Claim control over your feelings. Stop being a victim of either. Put yourself in charge. Realize now is all you have. Claim your power.

Make the decision that no person, no current event, no situation, no place or thing can annoy you or irritate you. Decide you will remain at peace. Be the eye of the storm. Remain calm and centered no matter what. Decide not to focus on the crap. Focus on the good.

Focus on being enough. Focus on feeling fine. Focus on enjoying the moment. Look for the silver linings. Look for what is good and new that you can appreciate and enjoy. Seek to discover the opportunities surrounding you. From chaos stars are born!

You Get What You Focus On – Thoughts Become Things

Decide to delight. Remember you get what you focus on. Delight, enjoy, be enthused, excited. Fill yourself with good feelings. Happiness is not a destination it is now. Live well. Feel well. Smile more! Wear a big smile. Live from the heart. Think happy thoughts. Giggle and laugh. Move more. Celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

Feel marvelous for no reason!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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