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horizons into-the-future-phil-koch

“Do you care if some people try to prevent you?  Some may say it is not realistic. They may argue you need to focus on what is in front of you. There are those who will call you a dreamer. They won’t mean it in a nice way does that bother you?  There is nothing wrong with dreaming and pursuing your your dreams. You know that, right?

In fact, in order to be a deliberate creator you have to focus on what isn’t there yet. You have to dream it. You may look at a lump of clay but you can’t see the clay for what it is. You must see the lump of clay for what it will be.

You must look at the invisible, that which does not yet exist, and bring it forth from your thoughts and imagination. Know that you can make this happen! Trust.

That is the act of creation. You manifest and make happen your thoughts. You make the future the present. You dream it first and make it happen. Don’t focus on your present circumstances any more than you would focus on the lump clay. Focus on what you want it to become. Keep your focus on what you are creating.

Concentrate On What You Want

Some artists are passionate and consumed with bringing their inner thoughts to life. They imagine something in their mind and then they paint it, fashion it or sculpt it into being. They think about it night and day. They work on their art all the time. As a creator you do the same thing with your career, your relationships and your life.

You imagine what you want to be, do and have vividly and passionately and then you take positive actions to bring it into being. So yes, put your attention on your dreams. They don’t, yet, exist in reality. Thoughts first; actions follow!

Don’t put your attention on what you don’t want.  Don’t think about making money to get out of debt. Create more money so you are free to have more fun or adventure. If you worry about a pile of bills you end up focused on not having enough. What you think about you bring about so you create more lack not more riches.

Think About It Day And Night

Focus on the invisible. Stay focused on what you want that has not physically happened, yet. Keep your attention on your big dreams and desires; the ones that make you feel incredible when you think about them. Do not focus on the circumstances you’d prefer to leave. Do not let the less than glorious present get the better of you.

Feel wonderful while thinking about what you want. If you don’t feel great that means there is something you need to adjust about your thinking. You may be focused on what you don’t want or you may be thinking it isn’t possible.

Change your thinking. Adjust. Focus on what you do want. Perhaps, your dream is too big for you to believe in right now. Gently whittle it down to the size you absolutely feel you can accomplish. Step it down a bit. It still excites you but it isn’t too large to believe you can make it happen.

Feel Fantastic When Thinking About It

Accomplish this first goal on your way to making the bigger dream happen. If you don’t feel good or you doubt or fear when focused on your dream you aren’t helping yourself in any positive way. You want to feel eager and excited.

You want to feel the anticipation and expect it happen. You want to absolutely know this is something you can and will achieve and feel it fully. THEN you are in the right frame to bring it about. You are prepared to move full steam ahead. You know nothing can stop you!

Whatever positive future you want to create must be accompanied by strong wonderful feelings. The feelings are important. Switch your thinking from the present bad circumstances to whatever makes you think and feel better. Then, ultimately, switch it to your dreams. When you think about what you want FEEL GREAT!!!

Believe 1000% In Your Ability To Make It Happen

To bring your dreams into being you have to think about your dreams, most of the time, while feeling wonderful. You can’t get caught up in the ‘bad luck’ of now. Your attention must be on what you WANT to create.

To have a better life you need to think, feel and focus on feeling and being better. You withdraw your attention from problems and place it somewhere useful and productive. You place it on those things that make you feel the very best. As you do this consistently you develop positive thought habits to assist you.

You put your attention, concentration, your energy and  focus, on the dreams you want to come true. You put it on the dreams that make you feel wonderful when you imagine your life that way. These feelings make all the difference in the world.

It Is Perfectly Fine To Create In Stages – Step By Step

Celebrate feeling good. Feel positive and excited. Believe in yourself 1000%. Unless, what you want is harmful, pay no attention to what others say can’t be done. There will always be naysayers. If what you want is good, positive and the true best for all, bring it into being.

Follow your positive heart and create goodness for yourself and others. Make your dreams come true. What you think about you bring about! So celebrate and enjoy! You can be, do and have anything you want. Make the good all happen!

Create the career;  positively improve the family relationships; discover the love of your life; improve your health and your wealth; enjoy the things and the life you have always wanted.  YOU are the creator!” Rex Sikes

Have a wonderful day!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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