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How To Get Anything You Want’ Challenge!! This is a powerful challenge. Read on.

Doing well I trust.

Here is some more awesome good news and opportunity!

Recently, Russell Brunson invested over $30K+ to acquire the first edition set of a set of “mini-books” called How To Get Anything You Want! (What a title, right?!)



I must tell you this has been a favorite of mine. WOW. It is an awesome book and the author was spot on!  Right to the point, powerful and really easy to understand. 



It was written by Elsie Lincoln Benedict and you most likely never heard of her.


The reason is pdf booklets were only ever given to people attending her seminars in the EARLY 1900’s!! (Meaning the full set was never published or distributed outside of those events.)


Okay, so here’s why it matters to YOU.


Last week Russell had this amazing idea — to run a FREE 3-day challenge going through, and sharing the secrets inside this mini-series with YOU!


So you can take what we share, apply it in your life, and begin to achieve anything you want in life too.


CLICK TO: Register For The FREE How To Get Anything You Want Challenge Here


Considering there’s NOWHERE else you can find this entire series of books (besides inside his new Secrets Of Success community…  Again, Elsie, was ahead of so many in this field. 


This could be your only chance to discover what’s inside…


And apply what Elsie taught her students & followers that led to her being the “best-known women’s speaker” during the 1920s — speaking to over 3 million people in her lifetime (well before Napoleon Hill & Dale Carnegie gained the same steam)!!


So don’t wait.



Get all the details, see the guest presenters, and sign up below:


CLICK TO: Register For The FREE How To Get Anything You Want Challenge Here


Please, don’t miss out. It can make a real difference for you to engage in this with us. I’m certain you’ll love it! 



Much love, peace and blessings,



Rex Sikes

Celebrate Everything! 

Dan Brezgel, Producer, Filmmaker


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