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“I was interviewed, just the other day, by coach Tim O’Keefe. I share his audio podcast as today’s blog. Tim had this to say. ‘The Amazing Rex Sikes. Go on a journey as he teaches us how to perform better so that we can help our players perform better.

Thanks to Rex Sikes for giving, and I mean giving, so much time to me this past week. The interview will take you on a bit of a ride. As he weaves his magical languaging to give us the right message at the right dose. And you feel like it was said specifically for you.

Coach , businessperson, spouse, parent, player. This message is for all.’

Meet Tim O’Keefe

Tim O’Keefe is a digital marketing and SEO professional and an American Football coach. By day Tim moves his clients websites closer to the top of the search engines. By night Tim finds ways to spread more positive coaching methods.

His work and methods benefit the player’s, how they play the game, and more importantly, their lives. Click Here to visit Tim’s main spot for the coaching, marketing and business interviews. You’ll learn a great deal listening to Tim and his guests. Be sure to check it out!

Well, that is it. I hope you enjoy listening to today’s blog. It includes tips on coaching others and much of discussion on how we can transform ourselves. Let me know what you think in the comments.

Click This Link For Accompanying Text To Read.

Make sure, before you leave for today, to check out the new opportunity I have included at the bottom. You can get a very important free book! So be sure to get yours while supplies last.

Click Here To Visit Tim O’Keefe’s Interviews Page

I hope you enjoyed and  learned lots that you can apply. Continue to delight, have fun and celebrate everything!” Rex Sikes

*** OKAY NOW Check This Out! You Can Get A Free Book!

Do you know the difference between someone who is “earning a living” vs. someone who has “created wealth“? It’s not because they are any smarter, wiser, or born with special talents. No, it’s because they know specific principles and strategies that put them in the POSITION to succeed.

Which is why T. Harv Eker, #1 New York Times best-selling author, wrote the book SpeedWealth: How To Stop Earning A Living And Start Creating Wealth” where you’ll learn his proven, 8-step system to put you in a position to create wealth within a few short years.

There is some good news! Harv is giving away a limited amount of complimentary copies. Grab one quick by clicking here.

Right now, take a few moments and download the book. Then sit down, relax, and read every word of it because I assure you it will be well worth your time.

Click here to grab your (free) copy >>> SpeedWealth  Enjoy!

If you like what you read, and I am certain you will,  make sure you also register for Harv’s latest web class, “Zero To MultiMillionaire,” which goes hand-in-hand with this powerful book. I did it. That is why I refer it to you!

You’ll receive an invitation to reserve your spot for this (free) training right AFTER you download the book

Go  here to grab your (free) copy >>> SpeedWealth

Full Disclosure: I do not earn anything if you explore the link. If you do end up buying something that interests you there, I get some kind of a little thank-you referral. It does not  cost you anything extra when that happens. It absolutely does not cost you anything to look at the site. I would not recommend anything to you I did not think was worthwhile. I would not recommend anything to you that I do not approve of.  You have my personal word it is a solid recommendation.


Celebrate each other!

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Horizons photo used with permission of Phil Koch.

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